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jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Último mail recibido desde la Lista de distribución oficial a Docentes de la Fac. de Humanidades




Esto quiere decir que mañana tendremos el parcial presencial en nuestra aula 64

Last ICI Writing



Old and new contributions.-


miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

IHI - TP Nº 3

Groups and Topics. Contact us if you have any doubts

1. Deposition & assassination of Edward II (Masone - Olguín) (Lezca Zanetto Garnica)
2. Hundred Years’ War: causes (Biasco - Gómez) (de Virgilio Arias)
3. Hundred Years’ War: development (De Marco - Mendoza) (Lazarte Casanova)
4. Hundred Years’ War: short and long term effects. (Casado - Jensen - Zagame) (Altamiranda Goyeneche)
5. Babylonian Captivity and Great Schism (Alessandría- Bustamente Hauck) (Martinez Ana, Lucas, Lunghi)
6. Wycliff and the Lollards (Heresy) ( Malvestiti Perez ) (Gonzalvez Ormazabal Ortiz)
7. The Black Death: origin and classification short-term and long term effects (Espíndola, López Cecilia)
8. Peasants’ Revolt: short-term & long-term causes - (Barnech – Parise- Fischbach) (Azconeghi – Martinez Flor)
9. Peasants’ Revolt: short-term & long- term effects (Fernandez Leo – Reinoso)
10. Deposition & assassination of Richard II (Salandro - Gomez Ferrante) (Peralta-Antía-Luchetti)

IHI_Edited version of TP2 on Coronation Charter of Henry I


Mid-term Feedback

1066 and All That Download
British Museum (1) Download
British Museum (2)
Written Sources The British Library

IHI_TPs2 corrections still at the Lab

Please guys, we still have the following TPs2 (day for handing them out Monday afternoon). Come and pick them up ASAP(today 1-4pm or 6-7pm. Tomorrow (Thursday 9.30-12). See you, Ana

De Marco-Mendoza
Alessandría_Bustamante Hauck


Hello everyone.
Royal houses and monarchs do not bear surnames but they do bear the title of the senior male who started the royal house/line/dynasty.
If you take a look at the genealogical tables at the end of your book (Morgan), you will see the genealogical tables labelled per house/dynasty on the top right hand corner of the page.
We had very little to do in class with the House of Wessex, but there it is.
The nature of the Anglo-Saxon monarchy was elective, with certain qualifications. That is, the monarch was chosen/elected by the Witan but only from among the ablest adult males of the royal house/of royal blood. That is why we say that the Confessor's crown was not for him to promise to William.
Other monarchs came to the throne by right of conquest (e.g. Cnut, William of Normandy), i.e they won their crown on the battle field.
Gillingham says that the principle of primogeniture established itself but slowly in England. Primogeniture is now the essence of monarchical succession and means that the crown goes directly from father to eldest son. When the direct line is exhausted for lack of a direct male heir or because there is an heiress who marries a nobleman who fathers her children and thus gives the family a new name, we have a change of dynasty. When there are no direct male heirs but variosu collateral descendants (such as Arthur and John) we have disputes. In short, every time there is a direct minor heir or no direct male heir there's going to be trouble, that's what our course is about. This is so because the king is the center of gvmt.
William and his immediate direct descendants (Rufus, Henry I and with certain qualifications Stephen) are called the Norman Kings.
Henry II was Matilda's (the Conqueror's grandaughter) son by the Count of Anjou (that's why Henry II & his sons are called Angevins). See the official website of British Monarchy. Download
Henry II started a new dynasty, whose immediate descendants (Richard I & John) were called the the Angevins. When John's son Hnery III came to the throne we have the Plantagenets. I'm saying this in strict accordance to the official website of the British monarchy. Download
Now the name Plantagenet comes from the Count of Anjou's-- i..e Henry II¨s father--habit of wearing a broomstick (shrub) as his badge, a plant whose name in Latin is plantagenesta o planta genista. There you are. The last Plantagenet king died in 1399.
For your assignment just begin with Henry II and stop at Edward I.

ICI writing


IHI_Magna Carta Guide_KEY

Hi everyone,

Here you are the keys to the guide on Magna Carta. Please, do your work thouroughly before seeing the answers, mere printing and reading would not foster your learning process on content that is essential in understanding 13th c. English History and on future topics discussed not only on this course of study but in the sequel one.
See you next class.

ICI - East is East (comp)

This is what I could compile with the files you've sent. I'll upload the rest as soon as I get them. Since you have the chance to profit from your classmates' work, it would be fair to share yours as well.

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Annotated Version of Magna Carta

Hello everyone:
Here´s an annotated version of Magna Carta (Introductory text and document)

Try again now

List of mid-terms received

Bustamante H
De Marco
Di Virgilio
Fernández Leo
Gómez Ferrante
Gómez Paula
López Cecilia
Martínez Ana
Martínez Flor

If you sent the midterm and are not on the list pls contact us ASAP
You will all receive gradually your corrected files by Friday, i..e at different times.
Keep in touch Cristina

IHI Mid-term

IHI—MT1-Spt-10 Write your name on all pages

Reread instructions posted yesterday

A-4 Paper
1.25 cm Paragraph Indentation.
Font: Times New Roman 12
One space and a half.
Align margins
Include questions, keep their numerical order

Page 1. Write a chronological narrative of the invasions and conquests that the land we now call England experienced from 55BC to AD1066 (300 words = 30 lines) 25 p.
Page 2. List down and describe those sources that allow scholars and students to understand the history of England from AD400 to AD800 (200 words = 20 lines) 25 p.
Page 3. Explain what Gillingham refers to/means when he calls the first section of his chapter “1066 and All That.” (200 words = 20 lines) 25 p.
Page 4. Explain the following quote by relating it to your background knowledge about Herny II’s reign. Begin by paraphrasing the words in bold print: “Thirty-five years of strong rule by a king who kept a close watch on every aspect of government, who heard pleas himself and was prepared to spend sleepless nights evolving the exact formula of a judicial writ meant that by the end of his reign Henry II had collected around him a group of able men trained in the administration of a centralized government” (Stenton 1991:43). .” (250 words = 25 lines) 25 p.


Here's another contribution....
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X1NHY09L descargar

ICI Writing & Update

Hi, everyone:
We will most probably have the test online. The procedure will be very much like the IHI test we'll be administering in 30'.
Pls remember that your deadline for sending in writing for corrections is tomorrow Wednesday afternoon. Keeping the blog updated, correcting electronic versions of files and texts, plus editing lectures is really very demanding. We're not complaining but we need plenty of time.
Here is another piece of writing for sharing about "The Prophet's HAir" and the political sphere.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

IHI_Deadline for editing & re-writing TP2

Deadline for re-writing and editing of TP2 will be Friday, October 8th at 2pm. Send a copy via mail to the professor who corrected your first draft (if classes are still cancelled by then, if classes are back to normal turn-in paper copies). After getting the second assessment/correction, you will forward me a final copy to post here as we did with TP1.
See you,


Hi everybody!
I can't predict whether we'll be able to hold our classes Thursday and Friday. Since we have not been able to finish the discussion of O'Donnel's film, I urge you to send me via e-mail (mbcalve@mdp.edu.ar) a summary of the section you have analysed to compile and upload ASAP. If your version has not been polished - since this is not a TP -- it will be welcome anyway as it will contribute to eveybody's understanding. Looking forward to getting your reports, MC


IHI_Classes on Wednesday 29th

Hi everyone, by now you should know that we won´t have the chance of having a normal week of work. For that reason, Marcela and I are going to ¨teach¨ our classes on Wed. via blog. The procedure will be the following:
1. Read Magna Carta as assigned (document + introductory text).
2. Work on your own on the guide on Magna Carta included in the course pack. We suggest meeting in groups, working with a partner, which means avoiding individual work.
3. We will be availabe for consultation via blog. You can pop quick and short messages/questions here on the comment box.
4. By 2pm on Wed 29th we will post a file with all the keys for you to check your answers.
5. We will also post the topics for TP3: 14th c The Calamitous Century. We will assign them following the list of groups used for TP1.

If you have doubts let us know...
See you,
MC and AS

ICI Writing

1 Download
2 Download
3 Download

IHI Midterm

Hello everyone:
As you all probably know by now, we will administer tomorrow’s IHI midterm on the Internet.
 This means that, before 10am tomorrow, you will see the midterm posted on our blog and will almost simultaneously receive the same text in your emails.
 You will have until 12:45 to email back the written test to mcsarasa@hotmail.com
 When you email the midterm write in the mail topic: “IHI Midterm—your surname.”
 If during the test you have any doubts or problems do not hesitate to contact us through the blog or the email. We will be available online for the duration of the test.
 You will receive an email confirming reception while a list of all received mails will also be posted on the blog.
You will start receiving your corrected versions via the email.
The makeup test will be administered as scheduled, also probably on the Internet. We will keep you updated on developments.
Remember the makeup test is for those people who either miss or fail midterm 1.

Passing grades will be assigned according to the following scale

Points- Grade
100-95 10
94-89 9
88-84 8
83-78 7
77-72 6 promoción
71-66 5
65-60 4 passing mark

The format of the file you attach should be as follows:

1. Save file as “your surname.doc” Windows 2007 or earlier version
2. Write one answer per page.
3. Start by copying the question and then begin answering it.
4. Answer the questions in the order in which they are made. N° 1 first, followed by N° 2, then N° 3, and finally N° 4. Do not alter the order of the questions.
5. Number pages on the bottom right hand corner
6. Write your name on all pages on the top right hand corner.
7. Use font Times New Roman 12, one space and a half, indent left hand side margin of paragraphs (1.25 cm), align right hand side margin.

Meet you online tomorrow.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Prophet's Hair


What was the legacy that the Romans left the Britons?

Roman civilization in Britannia was wrecked by the Anglo-Saxon invaders who were rural people (this means they did not live in urban centers); illiterate in their native Germanic tongues—their culture was orally transmitted—and also totally ignorant of the Latin language. Also, in the eyes of the Christian Britons, they were heathens since they worshipped their own Germanic gods.
All this means that most features of Roman civilization as had been developed in Britannia did not actually survive the Anglos-Saxon invasions. In the first place, since the Anglo-Saxon unit of social organization was the rural village (or township) Roman towns fell into decay and eventually ruin—which means that there are few public buildings left. The rural villages were communities of peasants who had very little in common with the owners of the former rural villas. Second, those Britons who survived the initial struggles of the invasions later also fell prey to famine or disease, were sold into slavery, fled to Wales or Caledonia or mingled with the Anglo-Saxons. This means that the Latin language and Christian religion did not survive in former Britannia. Nor could dioceses have survived since they are areas under the authority of a bishop and we have just said that Christianity did not survive the Anglo-Saxon invasions.
What was the actual Roman legacy? (See PP presentation) It consists of Roman roads and Celtic Christianity. This is so because those Britons who fled across the mountains to Wales, Scotland and across the sea to Ireland preserved their Christian religion. However, since they held the Anglo-Saxons in contempt, they made very few efforts to convert them to Christianity until the late 6th century.
How were the Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity? By a Roman—i.e. from the Pope’s see in Rome—stream/mission that arrived in the south of England in the late 6th century and also almost simultaneously by a Celtic/Irish stream that preached in the north. The Anglo-Saxons received their church organization into archbishoprics, dioceses and parishes from the Roman stream. The Latin language—which was the means of scholarly communication and learning from the times of the Roman empire until the 16th century—was also reintroduced by the Roman mission at this time (See also PP presentation).
Finally, as to the features of the English language, it derives its syntax and part of its vocabulary from the Germanic languages of the Anglo-Saxons and another large part of its vocabulary from the Latin of the Church and the French introduced by the Normans. If you reread Gillingham you will understand now why a cultivated Englishman after the conquest was trilingual.


I'll also be at the Language Lab tomorrow 14:30. You can pick up assignments from our office there. Be seeing you, MC

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

IHI: Assignment 2 Cristina's corrections

I've corrected the ff asignments N° 2:
Gonzalvez, Ormazabal, Ortiz, Lucas, Lunghi, Martínez, M.,Altamiranda, Goyeneche, Gómez Ferrante, Salandro (N°1), Bentivegna, Nario, Malvestitti, Pérez, N, Fernández, L., Reynoso.
I'll be at the U Monday at 10:30. If I can't meet you at the Dep, I´ll meet you at the main door. Depending on the situation I don't want to leave assignments in pigeonhole (just in case Dep is locked). If you cannot be on time, arrange with friends so that they can pick up your writings.
We´ll see what happens then & decide about having the midterm in class or online.
Marcela Calvete has the rest of the assignments (apart from those Ana has corrected). She'll be away on a trip until Monday noon. She´ll contact you then.
Have a nice weekend

Timeline of Invasions to British Isles


IHI_TP1_Correcciones a cargo de Ana Siccardi

Hola a todos, como sabrán según el mail de la titular de cátedra existen grandes posibilidades de protestas estudiantiles en Humanidades que podrían interrumpir el normal desenvolvimiento de nuestras actividades. Por lo cual, les solicito a los siguientes alumnos pasar por el Laboratorio de Idiomas (Rectorado, 1º Piso)el día lunes 27 a las 14.30hs para realizar la entrega de las correcciones del TP1 que tengo a mi cargo: Garnica-Lesca-Zanetto, Gómez-Biasco y Arias-Furlan-Di Virgilio. De este modo, contarán con las correcciones antes del parcial. Por favor, ponerse en contacto conmigo ante cualquier duda.
Ana Siccardi

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

IHI_TP 1_Norse Invasions_Hunter Blair Ch 2_Azconegui_Martínez F.


NB-Parcial ICI

Estimad@s tod@s:
Tal como lo hablamos hoy en clase, existen muchas posibilidades de que, a partir del lunes, haya una toma en la Facultad de Humanidades. Si bien la cátedra respeta la libertad de expresión, ha adoptado la firme posición de tratar de no perder clases puesto que el trimestre ya es muy breve de por sí.
Es por eso que les solicitamos que permanezcan informados y en contacto, ya que, de realizarse la toma, tomaremos el parcial escrito online el día viernes, tal como estaba previsto. A tal fin:
Antes de las 12 horas del viernes recibirán el parcial individualmente por correo electrónico (Viviana Q, no tengo tu mail en la lista). También será "colgado" casi simultáneamente en el blog.
Para las 14:45 a más tardar, cada estudiante deberá enviar su parcial en un documento Winword (sólo en extensión .doc ) guardado en formato no superior a Windows 2007 (no guardar tampoco como .doc de Windows Vista) a mcsarasa@hotmail.com
De experimentar alguna dificultad durante el examen y al momento de enviarlo por mail, les pedimos se comuniquen en el espacio de los comentarios del blog.
Para aquellos estudiantes que tengan dificultad en conectarse a Internet, se sugirió hoy en clase que busquen la ayuda de amig@s, concurran a un cíber o se hagan inmediatamente socios de la Biblioteca Central de la UNMDP que tiene PCs disponibles.
Agradeceríamos si difundieran este mensaje en sus Facebooks ya que hay estudiantes que probablemente no chequean su mail a menudo ni tampoco visitan nuestro blog.
En cuanto a las clases de Marcela Calvete anteriores al parcial, ella las hará saber por estos medios los pasos que seguirá.
Tal como creemos en la capacidad de todos estudiantes de aprender, sostenemos nuestra misión de enseñar y de enseñar a aprender en la universidad pública.
Por último, les solicitamos que escriban sus comentarios y dudas en el blog, para así poder socializarlos.
Buen fin de semana para tod@s

NB Parcial IHI

Estimad@s tod@s:
Como much@s de Uds. sabrán ya para estos momentos, existe una gran posibilidad de que a partir del lunes haya una toma de la Facultad de Humanidades. La cátedra respeta el derecho a la libre expresión, al tiempo que sostiene la firme posición de tratar de no perder clases a esta altura de un trimestre ya de por sí muy corto.
Es por eso que les pedimos se mantengan al tanto y en contacto, puesto que, de efectuarse la toma, realizaremos el parcial escrito online el día martes, tal como estaba programado. Para ello:
Antes de las 10 horas del martes recibirán el parcial individualmente por correo electrónico. También será "posteado" casi simultáneamente en el blog.
Para las 12:45 a más tardar, cada estudiante deberá enviar su parcial en un documento Winword (extensión . doc únicamente) guardado en formato no superior a Windows 2007 (tampoco Windows Vista) a mcsarasa@hotmail.com
De experimentar dificultades durante el examen y al momento de enviarlo, por favor comunicarse vía los comentarios del blog.
Para aquellos estudiantes que tengan dificultad en conectarse a Internet, se sugiere que busquen la ayuda de amig@s, concurran a un cíber o se hagan socios el lunes de la Biblioteca Central de la UNMDP que tiene PCs disponibles.
Agradecería si difundieran este mensaje en sus Facebooks ya que hay estudiantes que seguramente no chequean su mail con frecuencia ni tampoco consultan nuestro blog.
La cátedra deposita su confianza en los estudiantes en la firme creencia de su misión de enseñar y enseñar a aprender en un espacio público.
Finalmente, les pedimos que realicen sus comentarios y preguntas en el blog, para así poder compartirlos.
Buen fin de semana

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

"The Courter"

Vicky GB's presentation for final
Thanks Vicky!

More ICI Writing

Congratulations to all those students who have been brave, hard working and persevering enough to have submitted many drafts for correction--and who are also generous enough to allow us teachers to upload their contributions for sharing.
As to those people who still haven't made up their minds to start writing, we'd like to tell them that simply reading what others have written is similar to watching an aerobics/spinning class in the hope of slimming/shaping up. No pain, no gain.
Happy Students'Day!


viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

IHI_Angevin Empire & Henry II

Here you are the guide for both classes on Wed 22nd. Print it and bring it to class.
See you, Ana
(Use this link to download because Megaupload is not working properly)

"Good Advice is Rarer than Rubies"

Job 28
[12] But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?
[13] Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living.
[14] The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me.
[15] It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof.
[16] It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire.
[17] The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold.
[18] No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies.
[19] The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold.
[20] Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding?
[21] Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air.
[22] Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears.
[23] God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof.
[24] For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven;
[25] To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure.
[26] When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder:
[27] Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out.
[28] And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

ICI Writing

These are two fine contributions to our debate on Rushdie's problematization of Emergency in India
Looking forward to uploading more...

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

IHI_Rewriting and Editing TPI

Deadline for re-writing and editing TP1: September 23 at 2pm (Thursday). You should e-mail your final drafts to anasiccardi@hotmail.com. Please, be punctual, I´ll post them during the afternoon. Thanks!
You will get your corrected TP1 tomorrow (Wed. 15th).
See you, Ana

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Second Try

Ana´s Guide

IHI_William the Conqueror_Reading Guide 2010

Here you are the Megaupload link to download the new version of the guide required for our class this week (I post the link this way because the website was not working accordingly when I tried to create the DOWNLOAD link).
See you, Ana


sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

The Norman Conquest

This is the PP presentation for our next class.
1. Download
2. Print one copy per pair
3. Read the printed PP presentation carefully in pairs, using dictionaries, encyclopaedias, CDRom reference materials
4. Read (also in pairs) the printed bibliography listed down in schedule (syllabus/Google) for Tuesday class
5. Reread the PP presentation relating it to the printed bibliography
6. Post questions/doubts in blog
7. Come to class with printed presentation + bibliography
You'll be able to follow the class with ease and security

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

IHI_TP I topics & pairs

Hi guys, as the Head of the course suggested, you will have to send a final draft of your TP1 (after working on the corrections) to share with the rest of the students. We will post it here. Deadline for final draft to be announced. See you, Ana

IHI 2010 -- TP1: Written & oral: Norse invasions. Hunter Blair (Chapter II)

Each pair will be responsible for one entry. You should synthesize the content following MLA conventions, citing and acknowledging sources. Besides, you should be ready to report its content in a five/ten-minute-presentation on September 8th. You may also refer to maps when explaining your sections to the rest of the class. The number of pages assigned to each pair may vary according to the number of attendants on September 1st.

1. The Scandinavian Background (pp. 55-58)
1. The Scandinavian Background (pp. 58-61)
2. The Norse Approach to Britain (pp. 62-67)
3. The Danish Invasions (pp. 67-70)
3. The Danish Invasions (pp. 70-75)
4. Consolidation in Wessex (pp. 75-80)
5. The Creation of the Kingdom of England (pp. 80-85)
5. The Creation of the Kingdom of England (pp. 86-90)
6. Ethelred the Unready (pp. 90-93)
6. Ethelred the Unready (pp. 94-99)
7. Danish Rule (pp. 99-101)
7. Danish Rule (pp. 101-104)
7. Danish Rule (pp. 99-104) + all the sources and maps (pp. 77, 86, 88-89, 94)
8 Edward the Confessor and the End of the Anglo-Saxon State (pp. 104-108)
8. Edward the Confessor and the End of the Anglo-Saxon State (109-115)

Discussion group (10-12 hs)

1. Lesca – Zanetto – Garnica
2. Di Virgilio - Arias
3. Lazarte – Casanova
4. Altamiranda – Goyenche
5. Parisse – Fischbach - Barnech
6. Martínez, A. – Lucas – Lunghi
7. Gonçalves – Ormazabal – Ortiz
8. Peralta – Antía - Luchetti

Discuss group (12 -14 hs)

1.1 De Marco - Mendoza
1.2 Malvestitti – Perez
2. Espíndola – López, C.
3. Casado – Jensen – Zagame
4. Azcongegui - Martínez
5.1 Alessandría – Bustamante
5. 2 Fernández, L. – Reynoso
6.1 Gómez, P. – Biasco
6.2 Olguín – Masone
7. Salandro – Gómez Ferrante
8. Nario – Bentivegna

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010


Hi everyone
This is the PP presentation for our Tuesday class Download

This PP presentation can help you with assignment n° 1 Download
We won't use the latter for any class
Have a nice Sunday

sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

ICI News

Hi everyone
Let's welcome our adscripta for the last 6 years, Claudia De Laurentis. I strongly advise you to take advantage of the help she has offered. Students have found her sessions very rewarding. Just make sure you keep your appointments with her. She's been working pro bono with us all these years and we all know time is money.
Here is a list of all your email addresses. Pls check it for typos. Download

Finally, here are some writing topics. You can email them to me or leave them in the History pigeonhole (by the way someone forgot a purple umbrella in the classroom last Friday & I left it there)
Every time you discuss a text/film/article/whatever make sure you start by summing up its plot in one or two sentences, then announce/introduce what you're going to discuss/describe/relate/exemplify/hypothesize whatever, why & how you're going to do it.
Next paragraph: Now discuss/describe/relate/... whatever your topic/idea/problem etc is in the best way/s you can. Think of what you want to say and to whom
Last paragraph. Summarize what you've said using different words.
1. In which way/s does "The Free Radio" problematize the period of Emergency in India?
2. Why does the narrator of "The Free Radio" introduce a Western point of view in the story?
3. How does Rushdie conquer the English language in "The Prophet's Hair"?
4. Is "The Prophet's Hair" a political story? Why (not)?
Looking forward to reading your writing. Have a nice weekend

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

ICI Tutorials

Hi everybody! I will be available for tutorial meetings every Monday from September 20Th on, at 10. I will need you to tell me in advance that you are coming as I'm going just for the meeting. Please let me know the previous Friday night to organize my schedule. You can always contact me by mail at delaurentisclau@ufasta.edu.ar... Thanks and have a great term!

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

IHI Mails Update + Questions

Hi everyone: here's an updated list of your emails + discussion sessions (comisiones)

Thanks for the question about invasions & conquest.
Historians always refer to Caesar's Invasions in 55 & 54 BC and to the Roman/Claudian Conquest in AD43. The concepts are not interchangeable in these two cases.
If we consult Meriam Webster online, we will see that invasion means "an act of invading [to enter for conquest or plunder]; especially: incursion [a hostile entrance into a territory : raid] of an army for conquest or plunder: e.g. The enemy launched an invasion."
Synonyms: descent, foray, incursion, inroad, raid, irruption.

Caesar launched two invasions against Britannia but was unable to achieve permanent domination or subjugation of the land/its inhabitants since he left no military forces behind to carry out this process.

Conquest means (same source): 1. the act or process of conquering [to gain or acquire by force of arms: subjugate :to overcome by force of arms : vanquish ]; 2 something conquered; especially: territory appropriated in war.
Synonyms: dominating, domination, overpowering, subduing, subjecting, subjection, subjugating, subjugation, vanquishing

The Claudian Conquest, or the Roman Conquest of Britannia begun under Claudius involved Roman domination/subjugation/control/mastery of Britannia for about 400 years.

Thanks for starting the debate. Keep in touch