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sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

ICI News

Hi everyone
Let's welcome our adscripta for the last 6 years, Claudia De Laurentis. I strongly advise you to take advantage of the help she has offered. Students have found her sessions very rewarding. Just make sure you keep your appointments with her. She's been working pro bono with us all these years and we all know time is money.
Here is a list of all your email addresses. Pls check it for typos. Download

Finally, here are some writing topics. You can email them to me or leave them in the History pigeonhole (by the way someone forgot a purple umbrella in the classroom last Friday & I left it there)
Every time you discuss a text/film/article/whatever make sure you start by summing up its plot in one or two sentences, then announce/introduce what you're going to discuss/describe/relate/exemplify/hypothesize whatever, why & how you're going to do it.
Next paragraph: Now discuss/describe/relate/... whatever your topic/idea/problem etc is in the best way/s you can. Think of what you want to say and to whom
Last paragraph. Summarize what you've said using different words.
1. In which way/s does "The Free Radio" problematize the period of Emergency in India?
2. Why does the narrator of "The Free Radio" introduce a Western point of view in the story?
3. How does Rushdie conquer the English language in "The Prophet's Hair"?
4. Is "The Prophet's Hair" a political story? Why (not)?
Looking forward to reading your writing. Have a nice weekend

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