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sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

IHI: Assignment 2 Cristina's corrections

I've corrected the ff asignments N° 2:
Gonzalvez, Ormazabal, Ortiz, Lucas, Lunghi, Martínez, M.,Altamiranda, Goyeneche, Gómez Ferrante, Salandro (N°1), Bentivegna, Nario, Malvestitti, Pérez, N, Fernández, L., Reynoso.
I'll be at the U Monday at 10:30. If I can't meet you at the Dep, I´ll meet you at the main door. Depending on the situation I don't want to leave assignments in pigeonhole (just in case Dep is locked). If you cannot be on time, arrange with friends so that they can pick up your writings.
We´ll see what happens then & decide about having the midterm in class or online.
Marcela Calvete has the rest of the assignments (apart from those Ana has corrected). She'll be away on a trip until Monday noon. She´ll contact you then.
Have a nice weekend

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