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lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

IHI Midterm

Hello everyone:
As you all probably know by now, we will administer tomorrow’s IHI midterm on the Internet.
 This means that, before 10am tomorrow, you will see the midterm posted on our blog and will almost simultaneously receive the same text in your emails.
 You will have until 12:45 to email back the written test to mcsarasa@hotmail.com
 When you email the midterm write in the mail topic: “IHI Midterm—your surname.”
 If during the test you have any doubts or problems do not hesitate to contact us through the blog or the email. We will be available online for the duration of the test.
 You will receive an email confirming reception while a list of all received mails will also be posted on the blog.
You will start receiving your corrected versions via the email.
The makeup test will be administered as scheduled, also probably on the Internet. We will keep you updated on developments.
Remember the makeup test is for those people who either miss or fail midterm 1.

Passing grades will be assigned according to the following scale

Points- Grade
100-95 10
94-89 9
88-84 8
83-78 7
77-72 6 promoción
71-66 5
65-60 4 passing mark

The format of the file you attach should be as follows:

1. Save file as “your surname.doc” Windows 2007 or earlier version
2. Write one answer per page.
3. Start by copying the question and then begin answering it.
4. Answer the questions in the order in which they are made. N° 1 first, followed by N° 2, then N° 3, and finally N° 4. Do not alter the order of the questions.
5. Number pages on the bottom right hand corner
6. Write your name on all pages on the top right hand corner.
7. Use font Times New Roman 12, one space and a half, indent left hand side margin of paragraphs (1.25 cm), align right hand side margin.

Meet you online tomorrow.

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