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miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011


IHI 2011
Assignment Nº 1

1. Get into small groups (two or three students no more): Choose one (1) set of invaders to the British Isles: Romans, Anglo-Saxons; Vikings, or Danes.
2. Write a summary of their invasions based on the bibliography we use in the course. You must use that bibliography. Reference materials are acceptable but not downloaded, ready-made, summaries from any Web source whatsoever. To be able to teach about the topic you must first study it yourself. By studying we mean reading the material for the first time, noting margins, working on vocabulary, reading for the second time, synthesizing or summarizing the content, being able to make questions about the content and to answer them successfully. You cannot teach what you don't know!
3. Choose a school/institute level. It must include proficiency in English: (false) beginner/intermediate/upper intermediate/advanced, students' age group, Institution: school (primary/junior secondary/senior secondary), institute. Also state the weekly number of class-hours.
4. Decide how long you're going to teach your topic in terms of hours and days.
5. See if you find your topic in an EFL textbook. If you do, adapt it. If you don't, you must do all the work yourself.
6. Set your linguistic aims: i.e. teach past tenses. Also determine content aims: decide on a specific topic: e.g. the voyages of the Vikings.
7. Now prepare a short lesson. You must include (non)linguistic print & electronic sources. Your lesson plan should include the three pedagogical stages: pre-teaching activities, teaching (controlled and less controlled) activities and follow-up activities. You should also include an appendix for fast-learners; remember English classes are always mixed-ability. According to the directives for the New Secondary School, teachers should be able to fully teach mixed-ability groups in the classroom, by grading tasks according to sub-levels of learning/performance. In all cases, reading comprehension is of paramount importance for the Argentinean New Secondary School, especially senior high. See AICLE approach, if necessary online at www.abc.gov.ar.
8. In order to obtain a Pass, your assignment must comply with all of these requirements.

General Instructions for all assignments
a) All the assignments are included in the schedule. Please do not ask for confirmation of their dates or of the dates for handing in corrected versions. You cannot claim ignorance of the schedule either. Having cut a specific class is not an excuse either. In short: no excuses, no exceptions.
b) All assignments will be cumulatively included in a folder (=portfolio).
c) This folder will be presented in its complete corrected form for every assignment, midterm, or make up or whenever the instructors request it.
d) The folder will include a cover, an updated table of contents and copies of the successive assignments, writing assignments plus additional materials and appendixes the instructors might specify.
e) All the written assignments are to be presented on A4 sheets (font Times New Roman 12, one space and a half, aligned margins); first line indentation; no underlined words in any section of the text, capitalized titles in bold type, all sentences written fully; no vignettes for references but French indentation. If images are inserted they should be properly displayed/inserted. Text should be checked for grammar and spelling. No exceptions.
f) Bibliography & references cited and quoted according to MLA rules (available online at: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/). No unacknowledged citations/paraphrasing, no cutting & pasting & no plagiarism. No exceptions to these rules will be made. Assignments which do not comply with any one of these regulations will be graded as fail. Passing marks mean, once again:
• All assignments will be carried out collaboratively and cooperatively in small groups of 2/3 students. No individual assignments will be accepted at any time.
• References consulted must include all of the following five:
• The basic compulsory bibliography in the syllabus
• The supplementary bibliography listed in the syllabus
• Scholarly papers (scientific articles): you have a sample of these in your CDRom. By working at any computer at the University you can access JSTOR Trusted Archives for Scholarship online at: http://www.jstor.org or the electronic library of our Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva online at: http://www.biblioteca.mincyt.gov.ar/
• Use encyclopaedias and reference sites only as background material, they cannot constitute the main corpus of your work
• ELT textbooks
• Other electronic texts

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