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martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

ICI Friday Class "The Free Radio"

These are the issues we're going to discuss in relation to the story
  1. The State of Emergency in India (on your CD you have a short book on Indian History)
  2. Forced sterilization--medical terminology
  3. *Castration/*neutering--medical terminology
  4. Pregnancy termination--medical terminology
  5. Demography/overpopulation/family planning/birth control: natural & medical means
  6. Narrator of story + point of view = teacher sahib
  7. Hindu social organization: marriage, parenthood, widowhood.
  8. The choices of the dispossessed in relation to Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Don't need to read whole book! This is just for you to browse & have English version). Download or link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4YD3XJH8

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