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miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

The Courter

The Courter

Time 1960s

Elements of 60s culture:


Cold War

Enoch Powell

Music: Ray Charles

No lullabies, Elvis, Neil Sedaka, Pat Boone

Dark glasses

Beatles „Love Me Do“.

Spurs: Tottenham Hotspurs. It is now an all-seater football stadium in Tottenham, London, England. Built in 1899, it is the home of Tottenham Hotspurs.

Whoite: cockney

Fred & Wilma Flintstone

Betty & Barney Rubble

Douglas Home /hju:m/






Prince P

Maharajah of B

Mother tongue






Chess (another language)

Instances of metalanguage (define)

Political (in)correctness/name giving/calling

Metanarrative (define p. 178)

Indian English

When mispronunciation or misuse cause offence

Game (see Acknowledgements p. 216—fake references, cf. Borges). Mecir did not exist


India: far-away paradise (“Imaginary Homelands,” Imagined Communities, long-distance nationalism, exile)


Places of origin: ayah, porter, family

Displacement to London: borrowed tongue

Iron Curtain—Cold War

Social class

Family (abba—title of honour)



Maharajah: a Hindu prince

Field Marshal Sir Charles Lutwidge-Dogson (double barreled name): old India hand

Bayswater is an area of west London in the City of Westminsterand the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to the west . It is a built-up district located 3 miles (4.8 km) west-north-west of Charing Cross, bordering the north of Hyde Park over Kensington Gardens and having a population density of 17,500 per square kilometre.

Bayswater is one of London's most cosmopolitan areas wherein a diverse local population is augmented by a high concentration of hotels. In addition to the ancestral Britons, there is a significant Arab population towards Edgware Road, a large Greek community attracted by London's Greek Orthodox Cathedral, many Americans and London's main Brazilian community.

The area has attractive streets and garden squares lined with Victorian stucco terraces, mostly now subdivided into flats and boarding houses. The property ranges from very expensive apartments to small studio flats. There are also purpose-built apartment blocks dating from the inter-war period as well as more recent developments, and a large council estate.

Queensway is a bustling cosmopolitan street in the Bayswater district of west London. It contains many restaurants (particularly Chinese, Arab and Mediterranean ones), pubs, letting agents, and high street stores.

Porchester Baths: Turkish Baths, now spa

Kensington Court Place, Kensington W8. Kensington Court Place is a street that was originally known as Charles Street and renamed in 1908.

Mansion: manor house (2): a large imposing residence; b: a separate apartment or lodging in a large structure

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

IHI doubts

The concept ecclesiastical organization refers in general to the hierarchical order into which the/a church (ecclesia) is organized/ is established as an institution.
The Roman Church's (since it was founded in Rome) organization has an episcopal basis (I didn't say this in class but here it goes, we will repeatedly use this term) which means it is based on the rule of (arch)bishops. If you refer to two of the PP slides you will see its hierarchical organization.

  1. The Pope is at the apex: he is the head of Christendom.
  2. Below the Pope the archbishops are in charge of their provinces/archbishoprics.
  3. Further down come the bishops in charge of dioceses/bishoprics.
  4. At the bottom of the scale are the parish priests responsible for their parishes.
This means, in very very rough terms, that the Pope presides over a unified Christendom which, for the sake of its governance, is divided into archbishoprics, which in turn comprise a larger number of bishoprics, which are made up of parishes.
This is the episcopal organization the English church accepted after Whitby when the King of Northumbria ruled in favour of the Roman stream. England, the land though not the country because the latter did not exist, became united under the Pope. St Augustine had become the first archbishop of Canterbury (an old old Roman church he had consecrated) and from that time until the early 16th c, the archbishop of Canterbury was the highest representative of the Pope in England.
Monastic organization means an order based on loosely organized monasteries (from the Greek monos--alone). Monasteries are isolated, self-sustained religious institutions where monks--headed by an abbot--lead lives of complete seclusion devoted to working, praying, and studying.
The Celtic churches in Ireland and Scotland did not have an episcopal organization but a monastic one. Each monastery was an autonmous centre where the abbot was all powerful. This was so because the Christian Celts had been separated from Rome by distance and by a barrier of barbarian kingodoms for almost two centuries. They had not been in contact with Rome at all (this was not the age of the comunications revolution! It was a period know as the Dark Ages).
When the Celtic stream accepted Roman rule at Whitby, the abbots in Celtic monasteries agreed to come under the jurisdiction of a bishop.
There is a very good Catholic Encyclopaedia online called New Advent. I suggest you all try it. Same goes for the official Vatican site. Happy hunting.

ICI Writing

The written mid term is drawing near...
Pls start writing about the ff (you may start in pairs, but will eventually have to move on to individual work):
  1. Narrate an experience in the course of which someone used his/her common sense to solve a problem or to succeed at doing something.
  2. In "Imaginary Homelands" Rushdie states that "description is a political act." Why can we claim that "The Free Radio" is a political description?
  3. In "The Free Radio," how does the narrator, the teacher sahib, embody some of the ideas posed in Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed?
Pls leave your contributions in the History pigeonhole at the Dep. any time you can next week. You can print them or write in longhand. Pls do not send atts. because my in-tray will be flooded and also because last year I suffered a massive PC failure after opening a student's Winword file with a fatal error. Thanks in advance.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

IHI - Wednesday 8-10

Hi everybody!
I made a mistake when I explained next class reading assignment. In fact, we are discussing Gillingham's chapter about the Early Middle Ages (in Morgan)as stated in the schedule. You will deal with the guide in Ana's class.
I do apologize!!

East is East

Let me know of any omissions or mistakes.

East is East – PRE-V

Elisa, Ailin, Flor pre viewing Q N° 1
Amancay, Eliana B., Paula G., Melina B. Pre viewing Q N 2
Elizabeth & Mariana Pre-viewing Q.N 2
Victoria, Ana,Vale, Naty & Andre - pre-viewing Q N 3,
Ana & Victoria post-viewing QN 3.
Laura, Belen Virginia and Valeria Salvini – Pre- v Q 4
Luciana, Gime, Paula, Maia Pre-viewing Q 4
Paula, Rocio Ferreiro Jargoyen Q. 4 (pre)
Roberta, Ana & Carolina – Pre-v Q 5
Melisa, Fiorela, Sabina, Macarena, Mara, Milagros pre-viewing Q. N° 5.

East is East - POST

Luciana, Gime, Paula, Maia Post-v Q. 1.
Melisa,Mara, Milagros post-viewing Q N°2.
Andre, Vale and Naty question 4 (post)
Melina A. & Co. Q.Nº 4
Roberta, Ana & Carolina – Post-v Q 5
Nati Arce, Mara M. & Melina A. post-v. Act n°6.
Fiorela, Maky, Sabi Post viewing 7.
Virginia R. & CO activity 8,
Elizabeth & Mariana post-viewing Q 9
Eliana B., Paula G., & Amancay post viewing Q 11.
Paula, Rocio Ferreiro Jargoyen Q.10 (post)

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

ICI Friday Class "The Free Radio"

These are the issues we're going to discuss in relation to the story
  1. The State of Emergency in India (on your CD you have a short book on Indian History)
  2. Forced sterilization--medical terminology
  3. *Castration/*neutering--medical terminology
  4. Pregnancy termination--medical terminology
  5. Demography/overpopulation/family planning/birth control: natural & medical means
  6. Narrator of story + point of view = teacher sahib
  7. Hindu social organization: marriage, parenthood, widowhood.
  8. The choices of the dispossessed in relation to Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Don't need to read whole book! This is just for you to browse & have English version). Download or link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4YD3XJH8

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

PPP Tuesday Class

Here is the presentation for next class.

Pls download it at home. Do not--ever--download it in the Computer Lab as some of you did last time since the technician has told me the whole Complejo (Economics, Architecture, Humanities, Exact/Natural Sciences, Health, and Psychology) has a single IP address {"Every device connected to the public Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address"}. Free Megaupload allows one single download for each IP address every 30 minutes. This means that if just one of you donwloads the presentation, there will be thousands of people on the premises unable to do so for the next 30 minutes.

As we have previously indicated, the smooth development of the lecture depends on your previous reading and background work. I have included links in some of the slides so that you can access them in order to: develop empathy, find research resources, have a more vivid experience. Go for it.
Nice weekend.

Link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BJ4SB6XF

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

"Good Advice Is Rarer than Rubies"

This is my personal research for "Good Advice Is Rarer than Rubies." Pls notice that we'll be addressing the issues marked in blue.
You need to carry our some extra research on Whitman, Forster & the opening of the Suez Canal (connecting East & West)


Link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X7EFV96W

ICI - Slumdog Millionaire

Here are the topics included in your guide which constitute your first assignment (TP 1). Mariana Goyeneche and Elizabeth let me know yesterday they wanted to deal with Q4 since they have explored Dickens's works before. Make your choices and let us know through the CBox.

1. Narrative Structure (whole class)
2. The Roles of Destiny and Personal Choice (Melina A. ,Mara M. & Natalia A)
3. Does Hollywood meet Bollywood? (Ailin, Elisa, Flor)
4. A Dickensian film? (Mariana, Elizabeth)
5. Oppression (Andre,Vale and Naty)
6. Language (Fiorela, Sabina and Macarena)
7. The Local and the Global (Milagros Furlan, Mara Arias & Melisa Prior)
8. Fairy-tale Story or Realistic Representation? (Ana Lucia, Victoria, Mercedes)
9. Controversy regarding child actors (Luciana, Gimena, Maia, Paula)
10. The Role of Education (Analia Moyano, Carolina Yañez)

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

PPP Tuesday IHI Class

Hi everybody:
This is the PPP for our class. We might move from MM3 into the Computer Lab next door. I'll check with the bedel and keep you posted.
Once again, let me reiterate the same advice I posted for first class.
Pls get together in pairs so that you can print these slides in common, or download them on your note/netbooks, IPods, cellphones, BBerries, tablets, pen drives, etc. It's very important for you all to read the slides as you study Salway & Blair in Morgan. In this way, you'll know far in advance what exactly we'll be discussing in class. You shall (I promise) I be able to easily follow the lecture if you have learned about its contents. You'll feel really at ease and able to interact.
Remember our adscripta can take your questions every Tuesday starting at 9am if you make an appointment with her. I strongly urge you to meet with her on a regular basis. These extra classes will enhance your understanding.


Link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H143ACUU

ICI Class Friday "Imaginary Homelands"

These are the issues we'll (mostly you & I just a little)be addressing in class:
1. Brief bio of Salman Rushdie
2. Brief info about current state of affairs in India & Pakistan
3. Sense of loss & alienation in time & space for the migrating/exiled writer
4. Narrators' suspicious character/unreliability
5. Broken glass/es
6. Territorial, linguistic & cultural displacements
7. How to write: the unhoused; the unhomely unheimlich
8. "Description is a political act."
9. Denial of official versions of events
10. Polarity: East-West
11. Use of English by authors whose mother tongue is not precisely English

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

ICI - Slumdog Millionaire

Apart from discussing pre-viewing activities tomorrow, wejavascript:void(0) will produce some narrative texts based on personal positive experiences of childhood or teenage education. DO start refreshing your memory!!!


IHI 2011
Assignment Nº 1

1. Get into small groups (two or three students no more): Choose one (1) set of invaders to the British Isles: Romans, Anglo-Saxons; Vikings, or Danes.
2. Write a summary of their invasions based on the bibliography we use in the course. You must use that bibliography. Reference materials are acceptable but not downloaded, ready-made, summaries from any Web source whatsoever. To be able to teach about the topic you must first study it yourself. By studying we mean reading the material for the first time, noting margins, working on vocabulary, reading for the second time, synthesizing or summarizing the content, being able to make questions about the content and to answer them successfully. You cannot teach what you don't know!
3. Choose a school/institute level. It must include proficiency in English: (false) beginner/intermediate/upper intermediate/advanced, students' age group, Institution: school (primary/junior secondary/senior secondary), institute. Also state the weekly number of class-hours.
4. Decide how long you're going to teach your topic in terms of hours and days.
5. See if you find your topic in an EFL textbook. If you do, adapt it. If you don't, you must do all the work yourself.
6. Set your linguistic aims: i.e. teach past tenses. Also determine content aims: decide on a specific topic: e.g. the voyages of the Vikings.
7. Now prepare a short lesson. You must include (non)linguistic print & electronic sources. Your lesson plan should include the three pedagogical stages: pre-teaching activities, teaching (controlled and less controlled) activities and follow-up activities. You should also include an appendix for fast-learners; remember English classes are always mixed-ability. According to the directives for the New Secondary School, teachers should be able to fully teach mixed-ability groups in the classroom, by grading tasks according to sub-levels of learning/performance. In all cases, reading comprehension is of paramount importance for the Argentinean New Secondary School, especially senior high. See AICLE approach, if necessary online at www.abc.gov.ar.
8. In order to obtain a Pass, your assignment must comply with all of these requirements.

General Instructions for all assignments
a) All the assignments are included in the schedule. Please do not ask for confirmation of their dates or of the dates for handing in corrected versions. You cannot claim ignorance of the schedule either. Having cut a specific class is not an excuse either. In short: no excuses, no exceptions.
b) All assignments will be cumulatively included in a folder (=portfolio).
c) This folder will be presented in its complete corrected form for every assignment, midterm, or make up or whenever the instructors request it.
d) The folder will include a cover, an updated table of contents and copies of the successive assignments, writing assignments plus additional materials and appendixes the instructors might specify.
e) All the written assignments are to be presented on A4 sheets (font Times New Roman 12, one space and a half, aligned margins); first line indentation; no underlined words in any section of the text, capitalized titles in bold type, all sentences written fully; no vignettes for references but French indentation. If images are inserted they should be properly displayed/inserted. Text should be checked for grammar and spelling. No exceptions.
f) Bibliography & references cited and quoted according to MLA rules (available online at: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/). No unacknowledged citations/paraphrasing, no cutting & pasting & no plagiarism. No exceptions to these rules will be made. Assignments which do not comply with any one of these regulations will be graded as fail. Passing marks mean, once again:
• All assignments will be carried out collaboratively and cooperatively in small groups of 2/3 students. No individual assignments will be accepted at any time.
• References consulted must include all of the following five:
• The basic compulsory bibliography in the syllabus
• The supplementary bibliography listed in the syllabus
• Scholarly papers (scientific articles): you have a sample of these in your CDRom. By working at any computer at the University you can access JSTOR Trusted Archives for Scholarship online at: http://www.jstor.org or the electronic library of our Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva online at: http://www.biblioteca.mincyt.gov.ar/
• Use encyclopaedias and reference sites only as background material, they cannot constitute the main corpus of your work
• ELT textbooks
• Other electronic texts

martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

IHI . Ceasar's expeditions

On our first meeting we will discuss Caesar's expeditions to Britannia. Please, read his accounts thoroughly and solve the tasks included in the Reading Guide before class. Bring Salway in Morgan. We will discuss your findings and conclusions. Work collaboratively to save time and energy. C U,

ICI - Slumdog Millionaire -

Hi guys!
This is what we have so far. Let me know if there are omissions and let me remind you that we are supposed to work collaborativelly. This means we need everybody’s contributions. Please, make up your minds ASAP and choose topics. C U, Marcela

Nario, Bentivegna, Lesca, Biasco, Lopez Mazini & Gómez Q. 6.

Gimena, Luciana, Paula G, Maia & Valeria Salvini Q 7, aspects of Bollywood.

Ailin, Elisa Jensen & Flor Zagame Q.5 : Cultural Heritage.

Fiorela, Mara Arias, Milagros Furlan, Sabina Lucas, Macarena Martinez, Melisa Prior Q. 3.

Laura, Virginia Rossi-Cecilia Palermo-Laura Parise Q. 4.

Analía Moyano y Carolina Yañez, Q.1

Valeria, Natalia, Victoria, Andrea & Ana: Q. 2

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

ICI - Slumdog Millionaire

Hi guys,
I upload here the guide corresponding to Slumdog Millionaire. We will discuss Pre-viewing activities on Thursday. There are 7 topics and over 40 students. In order to save time and energy, we can divide the task and share findings in class. Get in groups of 6 and choose a question/task and inform the rest of the class through this blog. If you are fewer, you can later allow other students to join. You don't need to meet since you can communicate through e-mail. First come, first served.
See u Thursday, Marcela

Link for downloading http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y06BGE5X

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

IHI Class Tues 8/9, 10am. PP Presentation

Hello everybody:
I hope we can use the laser projector (have already reserved it). All the same, pls get together in pairs so that you can print these slides in common, or download them on your note/netbooks, IPods, cellphones, BBerries, tablets, etc. It's very important for you all to take a look at the slides as you read Salway in Morgan, so that you can become aware of what exactly we'll be discussing in class. You will be able to easily follow the lecture if you know in advance what it's going to be about. Once again, you`ll feel much more comfortable if you already know the contents we're going to develop.Having breakfast also helps focusing on the class.
Room MM3 is rather small and the table with the laser projector takes up some space. Pls make sure you arrive on time, or reserve your seat. We`ll start at 10am sharp.

Download PPP