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martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Make up IHI

Here is the test.
Time your performance
Best of luck

IHI—MU-Oct10 Write your name on all pages
By 9:30 today you will see the makeuo posted on our blog and will almost simultaneously receive the same text in your emails.
You will have until 12:45 to email back the written test to mcsarasa@hotmail.com
When you email the midterm write in the mail topic: “IHI Midterm—your surname.”
If during the test you have any doubts or problems do not hesitate to contact us through the blog or the email. We will be available online for the duration of the test.
You will receive an email confirming reception, while a list of all received mails will also be posted on the blog. This procedure can take about 60’ after the test.
You will start receiving your corrected versions via the email some time before Tuesday 12th.

Save file as “your surname.doc” Word 2003 or earlier version
Page size: A-4 Paper
Paragraph indentation 1.25 cm. Do not use cursor for indenting
Font: Times New Roman 12
Spacing: One space and a half (1.5).
Align right hand side margins
Include questions; keep their numerical order to answer them.
Write one answer per page and skip pages, do not use Enter for skipping pages
Write your name on all pages on the top right hand corner.
Number pages on the bottom right hand corner

Page 1. Explain the following excerpt: “The spirit of the age is typified by the great villas of fourth century Britain. Socially and economically, the Late Empire in the West marked by a polarization of wealth and to some extent power” (Salway:41). (150 words = 15 lines) 25 p.
Page 2. Write a coherent narrative following the concise chronology below that sums up the Norse invasions to England (250 words = 25 lines) 25 p.
1. Viking raids: from late 8th c to early 10th c
2. Danish invasions and subsequent conquest: early 11th c
3. Norman Conquest: 1066-1098 (Rufus died 1100)
Page 3. Discuss the role of castles as instruments of conquest and lordship in the light of Chapters 2 and 3 in The Struggle for Mastery by David Carpenter. (200 words = 20 lines) 25 p.
Page 4. Write a chronological narrative of Henry II’s reign that explains the following quote: “To [Henry II] what really mattered was family politics and he died believing that he had failed. But for over thirty years he had succeeded” (Gillingham:146). (250 words = 25 lines) 25 p.

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