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viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

IHI Sample test

Hello again everyone, remember that you can practice with last year's mid-term. I´m posting it again

Set 1.
Page 1. Why does Salway claim that the Roman period was a turning point in the story of England? (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 2. Describe the feudal system by referring to its main 3 elements (lordship & vassalage; the fief; private justice) (300 words= 30 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 3. Sum up and explain the causes of Henry II’s conflict with Becket (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 4. Read the following excerpt by Carpenter and explain (elucidate the meaning) of the phrases in bold print: “The Anglo-Saxon state had three pillars: a pervasive sense of Englishness which held king and people together (…); a kingship high in status and strong in administrative structures; and a church, gentry and nobility integrated within the king’s government of the realm (62).” (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.

Set 2.
Page 1. Refer to the process of Romanization which took place in Britannia from the late first century onwards. (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 2. Describe the manorial system by referring to the structure feudal society, the nature of land tenure, the layout & nature of the work done on the manor (300 words= 30 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 3. Sum up and explain the development of Henry II’s conflict with Becket (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 4. Explain (elucidate the meaning of) W. of Malmesbury’s phrases in bold print (as quoted by Carpenter:80) to refer to the Battle of Hastings, which was “a fatal day,” “a melancholy havoc of our dear country,” making it “the residence of foreigners and the property of strangers.” (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.

If you have any doubts, I´ll be happy to answer them here, in the Comments Section below.

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