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viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

IHI Assignments

I keep a record of assignments passed or below standard but our lecturer (Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos) is Marcela. Ana sometimes administers the assignments because of schedule arrangements.
If you've had a BS in the first/second/third assignment it means you have to rewrite it (regulations lay down that students should be given the chance of redrafting/reediting their work). If you did so for uploading it's OK. Sometimes we don't write the words BS to be polite and write euphemistically instead "rewrite."
As to assignments 1 & 2, your time for handing in written versions is over because they have been uploaded. No use crying over spilt milk. We trust students rewrite their assignments and improve them for uploading and sharing with their classmates. Since everyone will be using those texts for studying no one wants to share poor versions. Uploading is Ana's task. No mean accomplishment, that.
Even if your 3rd assignment is P, it also needs editing before uploading. Much more so if it's BS or just reads "rewrite." Assignments are instances of learning and meant to help you study for the midterms. The better you work, the easier the midterm. Many students understand they need to work harder because that showed in their midterms and makeups, so keep on toiling and prepare for assignment 4.

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