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domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

ICI - Ken Loach

I include here an interesting file that Silvina Joglar organized with information about Ken Loach's work, including an interview with the director.

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

PP Tuesday Class-James I

Cut & paste http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FWJ4RE1L

IHI- Wednesday 3rd

Do work on the brief guide for "Petition of Right" as scheduled. We'll discuss your answers in class. Kagan's text "England and France in the Seventeenth Century" may also be helpful. It's included in your course pack.
Have a nice week-end. See you, M

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

IHI_Class on Civil Wars: Causes

Hi everyone,

Please, print and read these primary sources for our class on Wed (10-12 and 12-14). You also have to bring your copies on Morgan and Kishlansky. We will devote our class to the causes of the Civil Wars and the analysis of these primary sources that may lead us to understand such event better.


See you,


IHI Assignment 4

These are the assignments we have received
Alessandria-De Marco
Arias-Di Virgilio-Furlan
Fernández, Leo-Reynoso
Gómez Ferrante-Salandro
Lucas-Lunghi-Martínez Maca
Malvestitti-Martínez Flor

Asueto en la UNMdP

Miércoles, 27 de Octubre de 2010. http://www.mdp.edu.ar/
Asueto en la UNMdP
Teniendo en cuenta el fallecimiento del ex presidente de la República Argentina, Néstor Kirchner, la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata decreta asueto para el día jueves 28 de octubre y adhiere al duelo nacional.

A short language lesson:
Public mourning (duelo) is not the same as a short holiday/day off/day's holiday (holy day--asueto)
There are three decreed days of federal mourning, while the UNMDP has decreed a holiday only for today, the first day of mourning. If in doubt, check the UNMDP homepage as we did yesterday.

ICI Writing

Explain the following quote adapted from Beards’ review of Fools of Fortune: All characters, “[e]ven minor [ones…] fall victim to [larger, historical] forces they neither understand nor control, "fools of fortune" to the end.”
Congratulations, Silvina!!!

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010



A raíz de constatar que muchos de nuestros docentes están afectados al Censo Nacional se comunica que el Jueves 28 de noviembre hay asueto académico en la Facultad de Humanidades.



Secretario Académico

Esto significa que la tarea grupal de intervención textual debe ser enviada por mail.
Saludos, Marcela

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

IHI--Assignment N° 4

Hi everyone: Pls email assignment 4 to mcsarasa@hotmail.com exactly as you did with the midterm/makeup.
The time limit is Wednesday 27th at 14:00. However, if you complete your assignment before that day, or even on Tuesday 26th, you can email it all the same. In other words, you can email it any time you are ready provided you do so before Wednesday 27th at 14.
See you next week.
PS: If, aided by some form of supernatural agency, you perform a miracle and finish the assignment during the weekend, you can email it then too.

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

Fools of Fortune: in-class summary

Hi, this is Estefi's contribution (with my editing).
Beards has a very nice summary of his own.
Textual interventions and other different versions more than welcome.
Happy Family Day

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Protestant Reformation

This PP corresponds to the Chapter from McNall Burns, E. Western Civilizations as cited in our syllabus + matching study guide in printed coursepack.
Have a nice weekend with your families

ICI Writing

Explain the following quote adapted form Beards’ review of Fools of Fortune: All characters, “[e]ven minor [ones…] fall victim to [larger, historical] forces they neither understand nor control, "fools of fortune" to the end.”

IHI Assignments

I keep a record of assignments passed or below standard but our lecturer (Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos) is Marcela. Ana sometimes administers the assignments because of schedule arrangements.
If you've had a BS in the first/second/third assignment it means you have to rewrite it (regulations lay down that students should be given the chance of redrafting/reediting their work). If you did so for uploading it's OK. Sometimes we don't write the words BS to be polite and write euphemistically instead "rewrite."
As to assignments 1 & 2, your time for handing in written versions is over because they have been uploaded. No use crying over spilt milk. We trust students rewrite their assignments and improve them for uploading and sharing with their classmates. Since everyone will be using those texts for studying no one wants to share poor versions. Uploading is Ana's task. No mean accomplishment, that.
Even if your 3rd assignment is P, it also needs editing before uploading. Much more so if it's BS or just reads "rewrite." Assignments are instances of learning and meant to help you study for the midterms. The better you work, the easier the midterm. Many students understand they need to work harder because that showed in their midterms and makeups, so keep on toiling and prepare for assignment 4.

viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

IHI_TP2._2nd drafts without editing

Hi everyone, here you are the second drafts(TP2)I received today by 2pm. Bare in mind that these second drafts haven´t been edited by our staff. If you have questions, let us know next week. Have and nice long weekend.
(This is the link, it seems that Megaupload is not working properly. Be careful when cutting and pasting. Don´t miss any letter to avoid problems when downloading.)


Or cut & paste: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XHOO15LD

IHI News

This is the PP presentation for our Tuesday class
I (Cristina) have already corrected and emailed the results of the ff makeups:
Antia, Arias, Biasco, de Marco, Furlan, Gomez Ferrante, Goncalvez, Jensen & Lopez, Cecilia.
I also have a number of Assignments N° 3 to correct for next week.
NB: This weekend I will be unavailable out of town.
Ana has also already corrected and emailed the results of the ff makeups: Olguin, Ormazabal & Ortiz.
She will be uploading Assignment N° 2 without editing it since we are all short of time. If you have doubts about the form and contents you read, pls check with us.
Ana will also take a well deserved rest during this long weekend.
Marcela, for her part, will email sometime before Tuesday the ff makeups: Luchetti, Malvestitti, Martínez, Flor, Masone & Mendoza.
This is the way we have organized our work and have completed it as our different schedules have allowed us.
Keep up the good work. Have a nice weekend

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

ICI Fools of Fortune

Pls use materials in course pack.
Reference texts for Michael Collins' historical context apply here too.
Same comment as Marcela's: Historical background essential for making most of (and understanding!!!) book. Fools covers the same period as MC, naturally. That's precisely why we chose this novel.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010


Be ready to discuss Pre-viewing activities.
Historical background essential to make the most of the film.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

IHI Makeups received

These are the tests I have received. If you're not on the list contact the blog ASAP
de Marco
Gomez Ferrante
Lopez Cecilia
Martínez, Flor

By next Tuesday at the latest, you will all receive your corrected versions at different times, depending on each teacher's schedule.
Sincerely hope to see you all again next Tuesday

Make up IHI

Here is the test.
Time your performance
Best of luck

IHI—MU-Oct10 Write your name on all pages
By 9:30 today you will see the makeuo posted on our blog and will almost simultaneously receive the same text in your emails.
You will have until 12:45 to email back the written test to mcsarasa@hotmail.com
When you email the midterm write in the mail topic: “IHI Midterm—your surname.”
If during the test you have any doubts or problems do not hesitate to contact us through the blog or the email. We will be available online for the duration of the test.
You will receive an email confirming reception, while a list of all received mails will also be posted on the blog. This procedure can take about 60’ after the test.
You will start receiving your corrected versions via the email some time before Tuesday 12th.

Save file as “your surname.doc” Word 2003 or earlier version
Page size: A-4 Paper
Paragraph indentation 1.25 cm. Do not use cursor for indenting
Font: Times New Roman 12
Spacing: One space and a half (1.5).
Align right hand side margins
Include questions; keep their numerical order to answer them.
Write one answer per page and skip pages, do not use Enter for skipping pages
Write your name on all pages on the top right hand corner.
Number pages on the bottom right hand corner

Page 1. Explain the following excerpt: “The spirit of the age is typified by the great villas of fourth century Britain. Socially and economically, the Late Empire in the West marked by a polarization of wealth and to some extent power” (Salway:41). (150 words = 15 lines) 25 p.
Page 2. Write a coherent narrative following the concise chronology below that sums up the Norse invasions to England (250 words = 25 lines) 25 p.
1. Viking raids: from late 8th c to early 10th c
2. Danish invasions and subsequent conquest: early 11th c
3. Norman Conquest: 1066-1098 (Rufus died 1100)
Page 3. Discuss the role of castles as instruments of conquest and lordship in the light of Chapters 2 and 3 in The Struggle for Mastery by David Carpenter. (200 words = 20 lines) 25 p.
Page 4. Write a chronological narrative of Henry II’s reign that explains the following quote: “To [Henry II] what really mattered was family politics and he died believing that he had failed. But for over thirty years he had succeeded” (Gillingham:146). (250 words = 25 lines) 25 p.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

PP presentation Tuesday Class


IHI Make-Up. Tuesday 5th Via Email

Hello everyone:
We want to apologize because the instructions on the sample test were dated, since the entry was re-edited in a hurry from a previous one.
Those who have to take the makeup will take it at home through the mail next Tuesday October 5th beginning 9:45 and ending 12:45 when the text will have to be emailed to mcsarasa@hotmail.com.
We will post the test on the blog & you will also receive it by email, exactly as the last time.
We have taken the decision to administer the test via email after giving this choice some serious thought.
This position has been adopted on the following grounds:
1. The uncertainty we feel personally about conditions at the U this coming week. You know, once bitten twice shy--translated as "el que se quema con leche..." Or better safe than sorry...
2. We had scheduled classes on the one hand and, on the other, the make up in another room. Also as a result of the situation last week, we don't know whether finals have been postponed or cancelled. Bedelía is overworked as it is. If finals have been postponed, there will be finals and classes, which means a serious shortage of available classroom space for unscheduled activities such as our makeup. This is not the least of our problems, since it may mean starting the test very late or having to vacate a room in exactly 60' sharp.
3. Finally, we´ve considered it would be much fairer for everyone concerned to exactly reproduce the conditions of the midterm (time available, full use of reference materials, being home alone, everything) in the administration of the makeup.
You can always use the computers at the University Central Library (provided you're a member).
Ana and Marcela will be online on the blog all during the administration of the makeup. I will take over after noon.
You will have the results by October 12th.
Have a great week

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

IHI Sample test

Hello again everyone, remember that you can practice with last year's mid-term. I´m posting it again

Set 1.
Page 1. Why does Salway claim that the Roman period was a turning point in the story of England? (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 2. Describe the feudal system by referring to its main 3 elements (lordship & vassalage; the fief; private justice) (300 words= 30 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 3. Sum up and explain the causes of Henry II’s conflict with Becket (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 4. Read the following excerpt by Carpenter and explain (elucidate the meaning) of the phrases in bold print: “The Anglo-Saxon state had three pillars: a pervasive sense of Englishness which held king and people together (…); a kingship high in status and strong in administrative structures; and a church, gentry and nobility integrated within the king’s government of the realm (62).” (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.

Set 2.
Page 1. Refer to the process of Romanization which took place in Britannia from the late first century onwards. (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 2. Describe the manorial system by referring to the structure feudal society, the nature of land tenure, the layout & nature of the work done on the manor (300 words= 30 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 3. Sum up and explain the development of Henry II’s conflict with Becket (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.
Page 4. Explain (elucidate the meaning of) W. of Malmesbury’s phrases in bold print (as quoted by Carpenter:80) to refer to the Battle of Hastings, which was “a fatal day,” “a melancholy havoc of our dear country,” making it “the residence of foreigners and the property of strangers.” (200 words= 20 lines—leave a line in between) 25 p.

If you have any doubts, I´ll be happy to answer them here, in the Comments Section below.