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martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

IHI Midterm

IHI—MT1-Spt-11. Set 1. 
Page 1. Considering that Caesar was not able to conquer Britannia, what was the significance of his invasions in 55 and 54 BC? (200 words = 20 lines) 25 p.
Page 2. How does Beowulf allow us to learn about the Anglo-Saxons’ system of values? (250 words = 25 lines) 25 p.
Page 3. Explain Norman feudalism as introduced by William in England. (300 words = 30 lines) 25 p.
Page 4. Explain the ff quote in full. “Yet ironically it is not for his successes that Henry (II) is best remembered, but for his dubious part in the murder of Thomas Becket” (Gillingham:144) (250 words = 25 lines) 25 p.

IHI—MT1-Spt-11. Set 2. 
Page 1. Examine Caesar's motives for his invasions to Britannia in the context of the struggle for power in the closing years of the Republic. (200 words = 20 lines) 25 p.
Page 2. Which sources do we have to study Anglo-Saxon England (5th century to mid-11th? (250 words = 25 lines) 25 p.
Page 3. Gillingham states that despite his victory at Hastings and the surrender of London and Winchester, William's position was still a precarious one. Why did the English resist Norman rule? What did he do to conquer the kingdom? (250 words = 30 lines) 25 p.
Page 4. Explain the ff quote in full. “From the reign of Henry II onwards… royal judges began to hold local sessions… it becomes possible to speak of the application… of a common body of customary law…” (Gillingham:173) (300 words = 30 lines) 25 p.

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