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martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

IH1 PPPs March

Monday Class Room 59.
Just in case we are unable to get the laser projector, pls pls upload the PPP on your net/notebooks; Smart/i Phones, BBs, iPods/Pads, Tablets, etc. and bring these devices to class. We must be able to follow the maps on the PPP.

Lecture 19/3 or cut & paste link: http://www.mediafire.com/?jpi4pbhc7f2tqt9

Lecture 26/3 or cut & paste link: http://www.mediafire.com/?3a82ngcq52y4qo9

Throughline Revolutions American, French, Industrial or cut & paste link: http://www.mediafire.com/?adm7q74i2snapfu 

Discussion Session 26/3: primary sources & background information or cut & paste link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6q0ohybxa29opab.

See previous entry & calendar for instructions for TP1 (30/3).
Materials for TP1: 
Every Monday we'll spend four hours together with a lunch break at noon. The only thing students need to do to spend those four hours at ease and eventually enjoy them is to take a thorough look at the PPP to anticipate the topic that will be developed and to read (i..e study) the corresponding bibliography in advance to be able to follow the lecture and to participate in it.

Ana will be teaching two discussion sessions on Wednesdays 10-12 and 12-14. The groups must be evenly distributed. On Monday 19th we'll divide those groups.

I will answer queries about TP1 on Monday 19th after class or before then on the blog.

Have a great weekend.

This PPP is not disciplinary but for all teachers (and students) to share. Enjoy!!
Teaching competences or cut & paste link http://www.mediafire.com/?8139j36tvf736n2

1 comentario:

  1. Hi! I've got some questions about the TPs, about this Monday's class and Brogan's first four chapters. 1) Up to when did Virginia stretch from Maine to Georgia? Until the first settlement? 2) Brogan's ch. 3, pp. 23-24 read "...after the glorious dispatch of the first voyages, investors grew wary. The Company(...)collapse(d)(...). Virginia became a colony under the direct government of the King". a) Did that make it a royal/proprietor colony? b)Then it continuous reading that by 1635 the General Assembly became the central institution of the colony... does this mean that they were still independent from the King? Or that though the colony was in direct government of the King they had this right to govern themselves? :S 3)What was the consequence of Connecticut not having charter? 4) Regarding the TPs, what period should we begin with? 17th, 18th c...? 5) We are dealing with the origins of critical pedagogy. Do we have to do a thorough description/explanation of what critical pedagogy is and compare it with the thinkers of the time whose ideas approach the most to the ones we are aiming at? or do we start by those thinker straight away and wait to explain all about critical pedagogy until we get to neo-marxists/critial theorists?
    That would be it. Thank you! :)
