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viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Written Assignments

Total: 5 assignments; 75% out of 5 is not 3 but 3.75  which is very close to 4.
If we apply this criterion to grades we should apply it to obligations too.
Pass 4 out of 5 assignments.

Evaluación: Asignatura cuatrimestral con régimen promocional, según el reglamento vigente en la Facultad de Humanidades OCA Nº 1562/95 y su modificatoria 2048/96.
Requisitos promoción sin examen final: aprobar los dos exámenes parciales o sus respectivos recuperatorios con promedio 6 ó superior; cumplimentar con la realización y presentación en carpeta de 4 (75%) de los 5 trabajos prácticos con cada una de sus instancias de corrección; asistir al 75% de las clases teóricas y prácticas y prácticas dadas. Requisitos para aprobar la cursada y rendir el examen final: aprobar los dos exámenes parciales o sus respectivos recuperatorios con promedio inferior a 6; cumplimentar con la realización y presentación en carpeta de 4 de los 5 trabajos prácticos con cada una de sus instancias de corrección; asistir al 75% de las clases prácticas dadas.
Criterios de evaluación: se considera la exactitud en el manejo del contenido y discurso disciplinar (presentación en carpeta de trabajos prácticos) y el rigor aplicado a su análisis, basado en el manejo apropiado de la bibliografía obligatoria del programa. Se enfatiza el uso correcto del idioma inglés en sus medios oral y escrito. Los Parciales 1 (escrito) y 2 (escrito y oral), junto con sus respectivos recuperatorios, serán de carácter integrador de teoría, práctica, strategias metacognitivas y metalingüísticas, conocimiento de la bibliografía y construcción de conocimiento por parte de los alumnos.
Régimen de alumnos libres: un mes antes del examen final, el alumno entregará a cada uno de los tres integrantes de la mesa examinadora un trabajo escrito de investigación de 10 a 15 páginas de extensión, que habrá confeccionado previa aprobación del tema y corrección del borrador por parte de la cátedra.

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

WC Assignment & Response Letters_SAMPLES

Here you are the samples I promised....see you next class, A

Answers to questions

1) Until when did Virginia stretch from Maine to Georgia? To the North, the territory Raleigh called "Virginia" ceased to be named so when the "New England" colonies were established. Maine was founded in 1623 (see PPP). To the South, Virgina was remapped  when the Carolinas were settled in the 1660s. What we need to understand here is that we're looking into the settlements with a map of present-day US in our minds/before our eyes. Thus, we designate the territories with the names of present-day states (to simplify the presentation and aid comprehension). At the time, greographical knowledge was not advanced, which means the territories so called Virginia, Maine, etc... had imprecise boundaries. The chronological organization of the settlement and the mapping of those movements are rationalizations that history and geography have imposed on the past so as to be able to narrate/explain it.
2) Brogan's ch. 3, pp. 23-24 reads "...after the glorious dispatch of the first voyages, investors grew wary. The Company(...)collapse(d) (...). Virginia became a colony under the direct government of the King." a) Did that make it a royal/proprietor colony? A crown colony, in theory (only in theory) the property of the crown. A proprietor colony would be the property of an individual (who had secured  ownership from the monarch)
b) Then we continue reading that by 1635 the General Assembly had become the central institution of the colony... Does this mean that they were still independent from the King? Or that though the colony was under direct royal control the colonists had the right to govern themselves? The colonies, by virtue of the very name that designates their status, did not become independent until the Declaration of Independence and then they had to win their freedom by fighting the War of Independence. During the colonial period, the colonies (we're being very redundant here) enjoyed  a relatively high degree of self-government/rule. They were under royal/company/proprietor control but they were so far away from the mother country/metropolis that it was impossible to rule them directly from London. They were able to organize their own domestic/home affairs while defence and trade were regulated from Westminster.
3) What was the consequence of Connecticut not having charter? None as far as I know...
4) Regarding the assignments, what period should we begin with? 17th, 18th c...? If you read the schedule for  assignment 1 (and the rest of the assignments) you will see it reads "Revolution (American/French)". However, if you're dealing with Enlightement thinkers, some mention has to be made concerning the Scientific/Philosophical Revolution of the 17th c.
 5) We are dealing with the origins of Critical Pedagogy. Do we have to explain what critical pedagogy is? Yes, for the time being a very very brief definition of critical pedagogy and a short chronology of its development (Basically, for the moment, Freire & McLaren)  and compare it with the thinkers of the time whose ideas approach the most to the ones we are aiming at? No, no comparisons, they're impossible. History explain,s, hypothesizes, relates but it does not usually compare and contrast  Do we start by those thinkers straight away and wait to explain all about critical pedagogy until we get to neo-marxists/critial theorists? Not quite. You should start by briefly defining what CP is (Freire & McLaren--pls talk to Marcela), summarily tracing its birth in the second half of the 20th c and then stating that you will search for its origins/roots beginning with the Age of Revolution in the 18th c...
Thanks for your interest.
I'm sure the rest of the group will find the answers are also relevant (related) to their work
Sorry about typos

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012


Please, print, read and bring these handouts on Enlightenment for our class on Wed next week (March 28th!) (10-12 or 12-14)
Handout 1 = http://www.mediafire.com/?ojzgoqaod6ifa2n
Handout 2 =  http://www.mediafire.com/?a0q6lqhqe9aaem3

Have a great start and a cool semester!

See you, Ana

martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

IH1 PPPs March

Monday Class Room 59.
Just in case we are unable to get the laser projector, pls pls upload the PPP on your net/notebooks; Smart/i Phones, BBs, iPods/Pads, Tablets, etc. and bring these devices to class. We must be able to follow the maps on the PPP.

Lecture 19/3 or cut & paste link: http://www.mediafire.com/?jpi4pbhc7f2tqt9

Lecture 26/3 or cut & paste link: http://www.mediafire.com/?3a82ngcq52y4qo9

Throughline Revolutions American, French, Industrial or cut & paste link: http://www.mediafire.com/?adm7q74i2snapfu 

Discussion Session 26/3: primary sources & background information or cut & paste link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6q0ohybxa29opab.

See previous entry & calendar for instructions for TP1 (30/3).
Materials for TP1: 
Every Monday we'll spend four hours together with a lunch break at noon. The only thing students need to do to spend those four hours at ease and eventually enjoy them is to take a thorough look at the PPP to anticipate the topic that will be developed and to read (i..e study) the corresponding bibliography in advance to be able to follow the lecture and to participate in it.

Ana will be teaching two discussion sessions on Wednesdays 10-12 and 12-14. The groups must be evenly distributed. On Monday 19th we'll divide those groups.

I will answer queries about TP1 on Monday 19th after class or before then on the blog.

Have a great weekend.

This PPP is not disciplinary but for all teachers (and students) to share. Enjoy!!
Teaching competences or cut & paste link http://www.mediafire.com/?8139j36tvf736n2