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viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

IHI Students 2011

Those of you who are now joining us pls get in touch with those who did attend the meeting. It's very important for you all to obtain the materials (see previous entry), make up a small study group and start familiarizing yourselves with the readings.You will need atlases and encyclopaedias (pls avoid Wikipedia since it is non-refereed) which means obtaining versions of Encarta and Britannica.
Our first class (see schedule in syllabus) will be a regular class.

Abad, Leila leila_1595@hotmail.com
Aguilar, Camila cami.-aguilar@hotmail.com
Antía, Belén beli_09@hotmail.com
Arce, Natalia nataliaarce02@gmail.com
Azconegui, Daniela danilin07@hotmail.com
Biasco, Melina pichumdp@hotmail.com
Bustamante Hauck, Matías matiasbus@hotmail.com
Campigoto, Julieta juchii@hotmial.com
Costa, Luciana lucianaandreacosta@hotmail.com
Escobar, Ma. Victoria mavi_7_9@hotmail.com
Espíndola, Ariel apesp_mdp@hotmail.com
Fernández, Leonardo leomafer80@hotmail.com
Ferreiro Jargoyhen, Rocío rocioferreiro910@hotmail.com
Fruttero, Julia juliafruttero@hotmail.com
Gonçalves Belen beluchi_15@hotmail.com
Jara, Carolina carojara_mdp@hotmail.com
Joglar, Silvina silvinajoglar@gmail.com
Larragneguy, Melisa melisalarra@gmail.com
Lazarte, Paual lazartepaula@hotmail.com
López, Cecilia cecimdp4@hotmail.com
Mascarín, Daniela nany_fyn@hotmail.com
Masmut Cecilia cecilialorena1985@hotmail.com
Mendoza Correa, Maite maitemc92@gmail.com
Mendoza, Milagros milagrosr.mendoza@gmail.com
Milazzo, Vanina vanu_gim@hotmail.com
Moyano, Analía animoyano@hotmail.com
Muñoz, Natalia Soledad natalia.nmz@hotmail.com
Peláez, Mario pelaezmario@yahoo.com.ar
Posadas, Luis louposadas@gmail.com
Reynal O'Connor, Pilar pilarreynaloconnor@fibertel.com.ar
Striebeck, Camila camilastriebeck@hotmail.com
Wermuth, Teresa teresa.wermuth@googlemail.com

jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

ICI Students 2011

Those of you who are now joining us pls get in touch with those who did attend the meeting. It's very important for you all to obtain the materials (see previous entry), make up a small study group and start familiarizing yourselves with the readings, DVD watching guides and films.Most of you know by know you will need reliable reference materials.
Our first class (see schedule in syllabus) will be a regular class.

Alessandria, Melina m.aless87@gmail.com
Altamiranda, Elizabeth bellota_eli15@hotmail.com
Antía, Belén beli_09@hotmail.com
Arce, Natalia nataliaarce02@gmail.com
Arias, Mara ariasmara@hotmail.com
Aviñón, Victoria vicmdp7@hotmail.com
Bentivegna, Eliana elianbe@hotmail.com
Biasco, Melina pichumdp@hotmail.com
Brusadelli, Mercedes (cond.) mechis_benz@hotmail.com
Campigotto, Julieta (cond.) juchii@hotmail.com
Casado Ailín ailincasado4289@live.com.ar
Cottleroff, Maia maiac_87@hotmail.com
Ferreiro Jargoyhen, Rocío ricoferreiro910@hotmail.com
Flores, Pamela pam_tqm@hotmail.com
Furlan, Milagros mili_120_mdq@hotmail.com
Giuliano, Andrea giuliano_mandrea2@yahoo.com
Gómez Ferrante, Gimena gimemdq27@yahoo.com.ar
Gómez, Paula paulazulita@hotmail.com
González, Paula paulagonzalez_ar@yahoo.com.ar
Goyeneche, Mariana marion_ag@hotmail.com
Jensen, Elisa mas_elisajensen@hotmail.com
Lazarte, Paula (cond.) lazartepaula@hotmail.com
Lesca, Amancay cayen12@hotmail.com
Lizarralde, Ana Lucía anita.mdp@hotmail.com
López Mazzini, Luciana petomdp@hotmail.com
Lucas, Sabina sabina_lucas@hotmail.com
Lunghi, Fiorela fiorelalunghi@hotmail.com
Maddio, Valeria valemdp_6@hotmail.com
Marino, Mara Soledad maramarino_mdq@hotmail.com
Martínez, Ana Macarena maky_thekeyoflife@hotmail.com
Mendoza Correa, Maite (cond.) maitemc92@gmail.com
Moyano, Analía animoyano@hotmail.com
Ortiz, Lucas lukas_ortiz@hotmail.com
Parise, Laura lauri_37@hotmail.com
Prior, Melisa melisaprior@hotmail.com
Robles, Mariel marielroberta@yahoo.com.ar
Romero, Natalia nataliacrom@hotmail.com
Rossi, Virginia viyi_lmk@hotmail.com
Salandro, Luciana lucianasalandro@hotmail.com
Salvini, Valeria riccardifacumanu@hotmail.com
Yañez, Carolina auraway2001@hotmail.com
Zagame, Ma. Florencia z.florencia@gmail.com

Pls let us know if there are any typos.
If you have any trouble using the cbox, you should check the condition of your browser. The best one now to use is Google Chrome.
If you are not on the list and want to join the course, pls write your full name and email in the cbox.

viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

Second Semester 2011

Historia Inglesa (IHI) Syllabus Download
We`ll hold a preliminary meeting at FH Wednesday July 13th at 11:30am

Comunicación Integral ICI Syllabus Download
We`ll hold a preliminary meeting at FH Wednesday July 13th at 10am

If you are eager to start reading the materials now, pls go to New Copy (Peña y la Vía) and order the 2010 course packs (also by phone 4752827; 155219483). What is missing for 2011 are a series of electronic texts that we can upload here.
Mind you the schedule and assignments have changed quite drastically.

See you Wednesday, Marcela, Ana, Cristina

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Answering questions

1) If Hitler hadn't broken the Nazi-Soviet Pact and hadn't launched Operation Barbarossa, the UUSR would've probably fought against the Allies, right?
Not really. If the pact hadn`t been broken the USSR & Germany would obviously not have fought one another. However, Nazism & Communism were as ideologically incompatible and the same way as capitalism and communism were. Stalin did not want to fight at all. In fact, he distrusted UK & France because he thought they expected USSR & Germany to tear each other to pieces in the East. This is sth he did not want.

2) Cold War: how could the Policy of Containment be carried out? We understand that the US wanted to prevent the spread of Communism, so the US adopted two approaches, right? One approach was military, the other was economic. Was the Marshall Plan the economic side of this Policy of Containment?
If by military you mean the US actually fought, with the exception of Korea & Vietnam the US did not actually fight. Never the USSR openly. If by military you mean providing military aid, personnel and advice to other countries the answer is yes.
Aid to Turkey and Greece, as promised in the Truman doctrine is economic, so is ERP (Marshall Aid).
3) WWII: Where did the Germans take the money from to rearm if they were bankrupt? Did the US provide loans to Germany? Germany was forgiven the payment of reparations. In 1923 the Dawes Plan eased conditions for Germany. So did the Young Plan 1929-30.

4) Which was the difference between Lenin's and Stalin's aims? Did Lenin want to spread Communism all over the world, and did he want the proletarian revolution that Marx & Engels had written about in, for example, the Communist Manifesto? It’s not a question of what Lenin or Stalin wanted, it’s a question of communist ideology which is by definition revolutionary and international in character.
Was Stalin a nationalist? No he was not. Communism and nationalism are ideologically incompatible. Nationalism is a bourgeois ideology from the French Revolution. Communism is internationalist. In order to consider the initial world nature of the Bolshevik Revolution you should find out what Trotsky’s aims were.
Wasn’t Stalin interested in spreading Communism to other parts of the globe? It’s not a question of his being interested or not. It’s a question of what the USSR was able to do. Reread Hobsbawm when he explains how the Bolshevik revolution took place in a country that was not manifestly ready for it according to Marxist theory. Stalin proposed the slogan “Socialism in one country” to indicate the fact that, for the time being, the USSR would not seek to spread revolution across the world. Hence his split with Trotsky

5) How did the Russian Revolution save the USSR from the Great Depression? Was it because of the Five Year Plan implemented by Stalin? Wait a second, the Bolshevik Revolution took place in 1917 and the Great Depression started in 1930. When the Slump started the Revolution was over. What “saved” the USSR was the fact that it did not have a capitalist economy. The Five-Year Plans were merely the expression of a communist economy. Think in terms of theories and ideologies.

New Communiqué

Comunicado {de un grupo de miembros} del Claustro Docente de la
Facultad de Humanidades {que se auto convocaron} el día martes 5 a las 14 en la Sede de ADUM:
Solo desarrollaremos actividades académicas cuando se restablezca la
normalidad institucional.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Some opinions

Frente Universitario (Google Groups)
Opiniones de {algunos} Estudiantes de la FH

Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 18:27:59 -0300
From: estudiant...@gmail.com

Hola, chicos y chicas, somos un grupo de Estudiantes de la Facultad de Humanidades, no participamos de política, es decir, no militamos en ninguna agrupación, sólo, repito, somos estudiantes.
Decidimos enviar este mail, con la idea de expresar nuestro punto de vista respecto a esta nueva toma de la Facultad de Humanidades
Nosotros y nosotras no estamos de acuerdo con la decisión de tomar la Facultad de Humanidades. La mayoría de nosotros hace más de dos semanas que estamos estudiando para rendir parciales, recuperatorios y finales del mes de julio. Por lo visto, esta es una historia repetida, en los años 2009 y 2010 perdimos una fecha de final por otra toma. Lo extraño es que los/as estudiantes que toman la Facultad son siempre los mismos, por esta razón nos preguntamos, hasta cuándo va a suceder siempre lo mismo. Alguien puede argumentar, ¿por qué no van a la asamblea y discuten este punto de vista? Algunos han ido y es muy difícil acordar y consensuar con gente que te habla a los gritos, te acusa de cosas que no sabés qué significan. En fin, no nos sentimos cómodos/as en ese tipo de charlas.
Sin duda compartimos algunas cosas respecto a los derechos de los estudiantes y de las garantías de la universidad pública. Lo que no compartimos, es que si alguien, sea que sea, insulta, agrede físicamente a cualquier persona y, más aún, dentro de un ámbito universitario exija los mismos derechos que cualquier otro que no lo hace. Por lo tanto, creemos que cada uno debe hacerse cargo de su propia imprudencia en un espacio universitario.
En estos momentos muchos de los/as estudiantes que viajan de otras localidades, se encuentran pagando pensiones, departamentos y viviendo de onda en casas de parientes y amigos, sin saber cuándo se va a levantar esta toma. Ni hablar de los/as estudiantes que trabajamos y concurrimos a la facultad y, oh sorpresa está tomada. Por último, les pedimos a todos/as estudiantes que seamos consientes de que unos pocos, que siempre están en los pasillos de la Facultad, deben saber que gran parte de los/as que estudiamos estamos en desacuerdo con esta decisión de tomar la facultad. Si te sentís identificada/do con este pensamiento, entonces este grupo que con mucha vergüenza se anima a escribir, no está solo.