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lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

ICI Midterm Results

The ff students will need to take the test again:
If there are no holidays we'll have the make up Friday 3rd noon. If there is a holiday, we`ll post instructions on this blog so that you can write the test online and cut & paste the body of your test in a virus/error free email.
As to the oral, pls keep in touch through the blog too. Let's hope there is no administrative holiday on Thursday.
The ff people don't need to take the written again: Afonso, Barnech, Campaña, Dìaz, Duràn, Echaniz, Erdicoborda, Grasso, Joglar, Pereira, Perrotta. Quesada, Rodrìguez.
Will leave the texts tomorrow Tuesday in History pigeonhole at 10am. If you have any doubts we can meet tomorrow noon in MM3 after my class. Otherwise keep in touch only through the blog.
These were the instructions for the written, in case you want to check corrections.See you tomorrow or on Thursday.

Page 1. Choose ONE option and explain why you consider Imelda’s silence EITHER “as positive, even redemptive and saintly” OR as “suggest{ing} Imelda's unhappiness… and her parents' perverse mythologizing project {which would be part of} the tragic structural trajectory of the novel toward silence.” (Russell 2006) (300/350 words = 30/35 lines; leave a line in between). 50 p.
Page 2. Loach's and Jordan's productions about the 1916-1922 period are steeped in different historical traditions. While Jordan stresses the role of the individual, Loach puts forward his conception of history as a process, where the characters' choices are shaped by their historical context. Illustrate (do not criticize or compare/contrast we have already stated/already know that the productions are different) how MC and Wind exemplify their makers’ respective conceptions about history. (300/350 words = 30/35 lines; leave a line in between). 50 p.

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