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martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

IHI News

Williams, R. Keywords. A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Google Books http://books.google.com.ar/books?id=KnNWD9EYCGgC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Williams+%2B+keywords&source=bl&ots=YjZNV_s_lR&sig=xhY7T1XVZkO5JuoUs46cYE3Zqfk&hl=es&ei=gy_1TJ30IoL78Aaho6mLBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDsQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false.
Or Scribd. http://www.scribd.com/doc/27962095/Raymond-Williams-Keywords-A-vocabulary-of-culture-and-society.

Oral Midterm Tues 7th.
10:00: Salandro-Gòmez Ferrante
10:15: Peralta-Ortiz-Luchetti.
10:35: De Marco-Alessandria
10:55: Garnica-Lesca-Zanetto
11:15: Lucas-Lunghi-Martìnez A
11:35: Nario-Gòmez P-Bentivegna
11:55: Casado, Zagame, Jensen
12:15: Reynoso, Malvestitti, Martìnez F.
12:35: Barnech, Fischbach, Parise
12:55: Altamiranda-Goyeneche-Ormazàbal
13:15: Furlan, Arias-Di Virgilio

If you're not on this list, pls write a message below.
Each person will have only 5' (five minutes) to develop his/her part of the presentation. Presentation must include printed list of bibliographical references, while printed handouts are optional.
Keep in touch through the blog

Prof. de Inglés: Ingreso 2011

Ingreso Profesorado de Inglés, UNMDP 2011:
Les informamos que el día martes 7 de Diciembre a las 18 hs. se realizará una reunión informativa para los interesados en ingresar al Profesorado de Inglés. Lugar: Fac de Humanidades, Dpto Lenguas Modernas, FUNES 3350 CUERPO III - NIVEL II lenguasmodernasmdp.blogspot.com
Se agradece su difusión.

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

ICI Midterm Results

The ff students will need to take the test again:
If there are no holidays we'll have the make up Friday 3rd noon. If there is a holiday, we`ll post instructions on this blog so that you can write the test online and cut & paste the body of your test in a virus/error free email.
As to the oral, pls keep in touch through the blog too. Let's hope there is no administrative holiday on Thursday.
The ff people don't need to take the written again: Afonso, Barnech, Campaña, Dìaz, Duràn, Echaniz, Erdicoborda, Grasso, Joglar, Pereira, Perrotta. Quesada, Rodrìguez.
Will leave the texts tomorrow Tuesday in History pigeonhole at 10am. If you have any doubts we can meet tomorrow noon in MM3 after my class. Otherwise keep in touch only through the blog.
These were the instructions for the written, in case you want to check corrections.See you tomorrow or on Thursday.

Page 1. Choose ONE option and explain why you consider Imelda’s silence EITHER “as positive, even redemptive and saintly” OR as “suggest{ing} Imelda's unhappiness… and her parents' perverse mythologizing project {which would be part of} the tragic structural trajectory of the novel toward silence.” (Russell 2006) (300/350 words = 30/35 lines; leave a line in between). 50 p.
Page 2. Loach's and Jordan's productions about the 1916-1922 period are steeped in different historical traditions. While Jordan stresses the role of the individual, Loach puts forward his conception of history as a process, where the characters' choices are shaped by their historical context. Illustrate (do not criticize or compare/contrast we have already stated/already know that the productions are different) how MC and Wind exemplify their makers’ respective conceptions about history. (300/350 words = 30/35 lines; leave a line in between). 50 p.

English History Quiz

Pls bring the ff to class tomorrow

1. List down in chronological order the names of invaders/conquerors/settlers of England from 2000BC to AD1066
2. Classify the effects of the Norman Conquest
3. Narrate the main achievements of Henry II's reign
4. Describe the nature of the relationship between the Crown & the barons between the years 1215-1327
5. List down and sum up the crises/catastrophes of the 14th century (you may need to cover disasters in the 15th c., as well)
6. Analyze the causes & effects of the break with Rome.
7. Categorize in chronological order the main issues at stake during Elizabeth's reign
8. Organize conceptually the problems faced by the early Stuarts. What was their outcome?
9. Clarify the causes & effects of the Glorious Revolution.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

ICI - Wind - Pre & Post

This is all I have received... not much. I'll upload material as soon as I get it.


Here's another contribution.


miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010



IHI_ Bill of Rights and other links

Hi guys...here you are two important links for our classes on Bill of Rights...

Bill of Right (document)
“The Bill of Rights, 1689” in The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. Yale Law School. http://avalon.law.yale.edu/17th_century/england.asp

Interesting video on the Glorious Revolution. (Worth watching!)
“1688 - The First Modern Revolution” Prof Steve Pincus interviewed by Marylin Wilkes in The MacMillan Report, Yale University. Online at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-tHvXuIaiw

See you next class and have a nice long weekend. Ana

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Final Checking IHI Assignments

Let's see if it's all right now...

Ormazábal, Ortiz: e-mail corrected TP4 to Ana ASAP

Marcela has already assigned topics for TP5 to be delivered in oral & written form during the first part of nexr Tuesday class (presentation of assignments will take no more than 45' (10' each assignment at most), the remainder 75' will be a lecture on Charles II--see Google calendar)

Students who take TP5 (again: written as usual + 10' presentation all in all)
Antía, De Marco, Fernández Leo, Luchetti, Ortiz, Ormazábal, Peralta, Reynoso.

Thank you very much

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Checking IHI Assignments

Could the ff students pls bring all their assignments (TPs--i.e. all versions, drafts, copies for uploading, etc) to class tomorrow? We´ll take some 15' minutes after class updating/checking our records. If you sent electronic version pls print them together w/mails & comments
De Marco
Fernández, Leo
Gómez Ferrante
Martínez Flor.
Ortiz, Lucas

Thanks in bunches

IHI_Deadline for editing & re-writing TP4

Hi everyone,
Deadline for sending me final copy of TP4 for uploading: Thursday Nov 11 at 2pm.
See you,

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Teaching and Acting

English teachers as frustrated actors download

Writing topics (edit carefully before emailing)
Maybe these lines from W.H. Auden's poem "September 1 1939" can help you with cyclical & transgenerational violence in Fools:
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.


PP Presentation Charles I

Cut & paste http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VBNISGG3

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

More Fools of Fortune


I'm rather pressed for time this week (ditto next).
Pls do not email any more writings about "fools of fortune." We already have three samples online.
I'll be gladly receiving those textual interventions that only require minor editing (as I have indicated to their authors).
As for new textual interventions & writings about Imelda´s condition or cyclical / transgenerational violence pls edit the form, content and logical/conceptual organization of your texts really really carefully to see if they truly fulfill the requirements that have been requested or address the issues under discussion. It takes a lot of time + loads of visual and psychomotor effort on my part to correct your electronic drafts on screen. Let's all make sure we make the most of our time, a highly underrated commodity.
Thanks a lot, keep up the good work

Fools of Fortune
