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miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Writing Community

Hi everyone: As you know I take turns correcting different WAs. This time I thought we could share the feedback with the whole group. I have kept the paper anonymous and hope the rest are able to find the corrections if not useful at least relevant (i.e. to the point)

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

Ana´s Class on July 7th

Hi everyone,

This entry is just to clarify some possible misunderstandings about our last class this semester. The Mock Oral Test activity is going to take only some part of our class on July 7. You have to read the chapter in Brogan assigned last week. We´ll discuss it and Claudia will help you outline the main characteristics of 1960s. When we finish that, we´ll start with our mock oral test. We are re-arranging this class due to your request to do some mock oral tests during class-time since some of you cannot make it for tutorials. However, we are not deleting any content scheduled for July 7. Those students who can make it for the tutorial on July 7 they´ll take the mock oral test at 12.
See you, Ana

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

Suez Canal_Ana´s Class_June 30

Hi everyone,

Please print a copy of this handout and e-articles. Bring them to our class on Suez Canal and Korea this coming Wed. Remember to make the outlines of your papers for our Mock Oral Test class on July 7th (confirmed). We can devote our tutorial this week for that + paper corrections/final editing, among other things).
See you,

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

WC_Assignment # 6_Giuliano_Maddio

Hi everyone, it´s 9pm. I upload the only WC Assignment # 6 I received so far. Remember you have to write a Peer Response Letter #6. Without uploading the assignments here you won´t have access to them. This last reponse letter is due next Wed June 29.
See you next class, Ana

Cold War Monday 28th

Monday class Download
Assignments Total War & Propaganda: you'll find corrected folders Friday noon in pigeonhole.

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Mid-Term Test (Question # 2) by Andrea Giuliano

Hi everyone,

Here you are Andrea´s Mid-Term Test (question # 2). Cristina suggested writing and giving feedback with Peer Response Letters. Thanks!

See you next class,

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Ana´s Class and Tutorial June 15th

Hi everyone,

As the schedule clearly states we are dealing with WWII: Development (1939-41: First Stage) tomorrow in class. Bring all your reading materials (Ch 5 by Hobsbwam, Catchpole, B & Salomone, your maps). We are going to do a seminar class to sort out the chronology and main points of the period.
The tutorial after class is going to be devoted to the organization and preparation of TP6. Please, bring all the material (books, journal papers, dictionaries, etc), your laptop if you want, etc to work in class. Tutorials devoted to TPs are a time for you to reduce your work at home, avoid meeting after class and to profit from the assistance I can give, especially now we are racing against time to finish the term.
See you tomorrow,

domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Handout for Ana´s class_June 9th

Hi everyone, this is the handout for our next class + tutorial on Fascism and Nazism (It completes a shorter one included in your course package).
Both class and tutorial are going to be devoted to the analysis of both ideologies in depth so please bring a copy of it for both sessions and be ready to discuss the readings assigned. See you, A

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Class Monday June 7th

Hi everyone: I won't be using a PP presentation this coming Monday or lecturing at all
We'll devote the class to (in this order):
1. Clarifying your questions concerning your assignments.
2. Clarifying your questions concerning WWII, Bolshevik Revolution, intervwar years.
3. Reading some sections of Age of Extremes very very very intensively (bring the book to class--you can bring one copy every two students)
4. Summarizing WWI (causes, development, peace settlement) by means of maps (also bring maps to class)
Be prepared to actively participate in all discussions (240 minutes!)
See you Monday, Cristina