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jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Poster-Making Session_2011

A little souvenir...

See you,


Windows 7: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q1QDS6Z6
Windows XP: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7Q39CK6L

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Monday 4th Class + Bib (re)sources)

Routledge Education Free for All (April 1).

The UNMDP, CECES Centro de Documentación has interesting links to Journals (see Acceso Rápido a Revistas y Bases de Datos): Science Direct, Springer, Wiley.
See also same link there Biblioteca Ministerio Ciencia y Tecnología (SECyT)

Monday class
= Link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E70R60IS

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

VI Jornadas Nacionales Formación del Profesorado

La Secretaría Académica de la Facultad de Humanidades, tiene el agrado de invitar a los docentes, graduados y alumnos a las siguientes actividades académicas en el marco del Programa de Mejoramiento de las Ciencias Humanas y de las VI Jornadas Nacionales sobre la Formación del Profesorado.

Para informes e inscripción dirigirse a : academh@mdp.edu.ar
Secretario Académico.


Taller 1: Problemáticas asociadas a la definición de Planes de Estudio en la Educación Superior, a cargo de la Prof. Alicia Camilloni (Profesora Titular Consulta de la UBA. DIA: 6 de abril de 14 a 18 horas.

Taller 2: Nuevas tendencias en la estructuración de Planes de Estudio (el lugar de la extensión, las prácticas profesionales y las pasantías), a cargo de la Prof. Alicia Camilloni (Profesora Titular Consulta de la UBA). DIA: 7 de abril de 14 a 18 horas.


“Tecnologías de la Información e Investigación Educativa”, a cargo del Dr. NICHOLAS BURBULES (University of Illinois – EEUU). 1 UVAC.
FECHA: 11 de mayo de 2011. 9 a 14 horas y de 16 a 20 horas.

“Formación, desarrollo profesional y competencias docentes”. Dr. MANUEL FERNANDEZ CRUZ, (Universidad de Granada, España). 2 UVACS.
FECHAS: 16 y 17 de mayo de 2011. 9 a 14 horas y de 16 a 21 horas.


Nicholas Burbules, University of Illinois: Educación y Tecnologías. (Traducción a cargo de la Prof. Verónica Ojeda y de la Prof. Ma Marta Yedaide).
FECHA: 12 de mayo de 2011. 9,45 horas.
LUGAR: TEATRO RADIO CITY, calle San Luis entre San Martín y Rivadavia. Mar del Plata.

Leonor Arfuch (UBA). “La investigación narrativa en las Ciencias Sociales”.
FECHA: 12 de mayo de 2011. 15,00 horas.
LUGAR: TEATRO RADIO CITY, calle San Luis entre San Martín y Rivadavia. Mar del Plata.

Norma Georgina Gutierrez (UNAM-México) – Sandra Carli (UBA) – Luis Porta (UNMDP) – José Yuni (UNCatamarca)
FECHA: 12 de mayo de 2011 – 16,30 horas.
LUGAR: TEATRO RADIO CITY, calle San Luis entre San Martín y Rivadavia. Mar del Plata.

Alicia Camilloni, UBA: Políticas de Formación del Profesorado.
FECHA: 13 de mayo – 09,30 horas.
LUGAR: TEATRO RADIO CITY, calle San Luis entre San Martín y Rivadavia. Mar del Plata.

Vilma Pruzzo (UNLaPampa): “La Didáctica y la Formación del Profesorado”.
FECHA: 13 de mayo – 12 horas.
LUGAR: TEATRO RADIO CITY, calle San Luis entre San Martín y Rivadavia. Mar del Plata.

Violeta Guyot (Universidad Nacional de San Luis): Las prácticas y la formación del profesorado
FECHA: 13 de mayo – 14,30 horas.
LUGAR: TEATRO RADIO CITY, calle San Luis entre San Martín y Rivadavia. Mar del Plata.

Mariano Palamidessi (IIPE-UNESCO): La investigación sobre la formación del profesorado.
FECHA: 13 de mayo – 18 horas.
LUGAR: TEATRO RADIO CITY, calle San Luis entre San Martín y Rivadavia. Mar del Plata.

Manuel Fernández Cruz (Universidad de Granada): “Investigación narrativa en la formación del profesorado”.
FECHA: 13 de mayo - 19:30 horas.
LUGAR: TEATRO RADIO CITY, calle San Luis entre San Martín y Rivadavia. Mar del Plata.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Monday 21st & 28th classes PP Presentation

It's a rather heavy Power Point 2007 PP file but it covers two classes


Or: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V5KA3REW

We'll work with notebooks, netbooks, IPods in the same way as last Monday

I'll see what I can do about the lunch catering service...

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

IH1: Handout_Wed. Classes

Hi everyone,

Print a copy of this handout for our class on Wed. Don´t forget to do your readings on Brogan (sp. chapters 7, 8 & 9) and The Declaration of Independence, document included in our course package.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WN5TS2GG (Windows 7)

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0CFHWJWH (compatible with Windows XP or others)

See you,


sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

Wednesday Discussion Groups- Corrected

Total = 20 students

There must be 10 (ten) in one group and 10 (ten) in the other (remember what we discussed in Ana's class & what we posted here).
There are now 13 students in one group and 6 in the other. This won't do at all.
Pls find consensus among yourselves to make up two evenly distributed groups. Pls show me the new list on Monday at lunch time. Otherwise we will fe forced to draw lots and remove 3 or 4 names for group one.
Thnks again

10 - 12
Altamiranda, Elizabeth
Brusadelli, Mercedes
Cañete, Victoria
Dezzuto, Nadia
Di Virgilio, Andrea
Goyeneche, Mariana
Lucas, Sabina
Lunghi, Fiorela
Ortiz, Lucas
Romero, Natalia
Salandro, Luciana

12 -14
Bentivegna, Eliana
Casado, Ailin
Gómez Ferrante, Gimena
Jensen, Ma Elisa
Joglar, Ma Silvina
Lamarche, Brenda
Luchetti, Lisandro
Sajama Jesica

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Organization--Monday Class

Hi ,everyone:
We will meet in Room 59
I had a nice conversation today with the bedel. At the beginning of the semester, the infrastructure situation is hectic & fluid. It settles down after a month or so.
This means that for the time being I'll bring to class my notebook and use it to show the PP presentation. If two of you take turns bringing their notebooks, we can all comfortably share the presentation in small groups. I guess you might upload the PP presentation on your Blackberry or Ipod too and be able to look at it while we discuss the topic in class. You can also print the 66 slides on big colour pages but it's rather expensive
The PP presentation means that we can all look at the same map/whatever at the same time instead of manually circulating many books with pictures, maps, etc.
I'll also bring the electronic materials on a pen drive so that you can save them in your notebooks. If you all bring pen drives you can all save the electronic materials for unit one during the lunch break.
The lunch break will be from 12 to 12:15/12:20. You can bring your sack lunch or we can order from the delivery service on the corner. (It's working, I checked). If you arrive in class after 12 & want to order lunch make sure you place your order with a classmate.
About Wednesday class, we all three thought long and hard about our predicament and decided on the lesser of two evils/a compromise/six of one and half a dozen of the other/the greatest happiness of the greatest number or, in short, it's no use crying over spilt milk...
You are 18 people, and if you make exactly, evenly--AND WE MEAN IT (YELL)-- 2 (two)groups of 9 (nine) each (from 10-12 and from 12-14) you will have a privileged experience that amounts to a private class with Ana & Claudia. You will move faster, everybody will have a chance to speak, read in a loud voice, ask questions, even write in class. The atmosphere of the class will be less awkward too. However, such highly personalized instruction means that if we don't keep up with the assignments and readings for each class there is nowhere to hide and the pressure to participate is enormous both on the students and the teacher. However, the benefits outweigh the pressure (when I took my EFL Teacher Education Program we were 6 students in all taking all the courses in the junior year. What luxury at a public university!)
We will finish compiling the Wednesday list on Monday at the end of the class.
Have a nice weekend

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

IH1: Wednesday classes_Final decision

Hi everyone,

After analyzing the whole situation about history classes and tutorials, overlapping with another junior course, we decided to have two sessions for our class + tutorial on Wed.(10-12 & 12-14).

Be nice, flexible & cooperative, we need even groups! So make your choice and write two lists tomorrow at Marcela´s class, please. Smaller sessions require harder work and stronger commitment to participate and keep up with your readings. We will also include tasks and exercises devoted to tutorial work in those sessions. We consider this is the best option for all of us.

Cristina will confirm those lists on Monday.

See you next week, Ana

PP Presentation Monday 14th


Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L63DJ2BW

Before Monday, during the weekend, we will post more news concerning other organizational aspects of the course

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

IH1: Tutorial I - 2011

Hi guys!

Welcome to our blog! Next week, on March 9th, we will be starting with our tutorial sessions (12-14). For our first session, you need to read Introduction in The Age of Revolution (Hobsbawm). Besides you must print and read this article for the same meeting.

See you,
