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martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Today's class

Hi everyone: I´m reuploading today's class plus a list of your names & emails. Pls check the latter for typos & let us know here. Thanks
PP (Re) Download
List Download

domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010


Hi Guys!
On our first class we'll discuss Caesar's accounts of his expeditions to Britain. Please, read and solve the activities scheduled.
See u then.

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

IHI Class-Tuesday

Hi, everyone: this is the PP presentation for our first IHI lecture.
You can print a black and white copy every two students

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

IHI 2010 -- TP1: Written & Oral: Norse Invasions. Hunter Blair (Chapter II)

Each pair will be responsible for one entry. You should synthesize the content following MLA conventions, citing and acknowledging sources (turn-in a written version). Besides, you should be ready to report its content in a five/ten-minute presentation on September 8th. You may also refer to maps when explaining your sections, if necessary. The number of pages assigned to each pair may vary according to the number of attendants on September 1st.

1. The Scandinavian Background (pp. 55-58)

1. The Scandinavian Background (pp. 58-61)

2. The Norse Approach to Britain (pp. 62-67)

3. The Danish Invasions (pp. 67-70)

3. The Danish Invasions (pp. 70-75)

4. Consolidation in Wessex (pp. 75-80)

5. The Creation of the Kingdom of England (pp. 80-85)

5. The Creation of the Kingdom of England (pp. 86-90)

6. Ethelred the Unready (pp. 90-93)

6. Ethelred the Unready (pp. 94-99)

7. Danish Rule (pp. 99-101)

7. Danish Rule (pp. 101-104)

7. Danish Rule (pp. 99-104) + all the sources and maps (pp. 77, 86, 88-89, 94)

8 Edward the Confessor and the End of the Anglo-Saxon State (pp. 104-108)

8. Edward the Confessor and the End of the Anglo-Saxon State (109-115)

Please, do not choose any entry via blog. We will set pairs & topics in class on Wed at 10 am. You may comment your preference with your partner though so as to save classtime on Sep 1st. See you, Ana

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

IHI Class on Sep. 1st at 10 (Prof. Siccardi)

Hi everyone,

As you have learned in the meeting organized by the Head of the subject, you have to attend classes with your readings done. When we refer to ¨reading¨, we mean ¨read, do dictionary work, underline main ideas + details, do note margin for doubts/questions, summarize + synthesize, refer to maps when necessary, etc¨. That is, be ready to discuss in depth the content displayed.
For our first class (10-12), you need to read Ch 1 ¨Roman Britain¨ by Salway in The Oxford History of Britain by Morgan. Besides, you have to analyze in depth the timeline by Mattingly + Handout combining both sources (Salway + Mattingly).
Our first optional tutorial (12-14) is going to be devoted to writing conventions for English History (with a brief and quick introduction to MLA Worksheet). Remember you have a practical work coming really soon. Check schedule/blog calendar for that!
I wish you all a great first week of Spring Semester.
See you on Wed.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

ICI - Slumdog Millionaire

On our first class, we'll be discussing Pre-viewing activities for Slumdog Millionaire. To save time and energy, you can choose a question to discuss in pairs or groups of three people and later share findings with the rest of the class. You can let us all know the choice of each group through a message in our blog.
These are the questions which are included in the viewing guide in your course pack:
1) The development of the Independence process in British India.
2) Problems after independence: poverty, internal conflicts, tensions between India and Pakistan.
3) Social stratification in present-day India.
4) India's ethnic, linguistic, and religious complexity.
5) India’s cultural heritage: main attractions such as monuments, royal residences, temples, bridges or historical landmarks. Provide pictures and locate them on a map.
6) Call Centres as symbols of the casualization of labour in contemporary India as a member of the global world.
7) Aspects of Bollywood film industry.
See u next week, Thursday & Friday.

ICI-IHI: Schedule update

Hi everyone, we´ve been able to make some changes & avoid overlappings for sophomore students (which was the correct thing to do) though not for junior ones as both courses belong to the sophomore year.
We have started completing the Google calendar on the right hand side of the blog.
ICI Schedule Download
IHI Schedule Download

viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

ICI Questions

Hi everyone, if there are any questions you'd like to make, please write them in the Comments here. We'll be glad to answer them.

IHI Queries

Hello everyone: if you´d like to ask any questions, please post your comments here & we´ll be more than happy to answer them.