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viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

Ten Days that Shook the World, 1919. Preface. By John Reed.

Hi everyone,

Here you are the preface of Ten Days that Shook the World by Reed. You need to read only this section of his book for our class on Russian Revolution.
See you and have a nice weekend.


miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

WWI_Powerpoint by Cristina

I uploaded it again because the previous link did not work properly.

WWI Development

I thought you could save energy and time if you work collaboratively in this reading guide. Each of you can be in charge of a question and share conclusions and knowledge in class. Please, use the bibliography listed in the instructions and work with Catchpole's maps. Try also to complete your section of the chronology to discuss on Friday.



Hi everyone, this is the PP presentation for our next class on Monday. It's extremely important that you understand (actually master) the geopolitical implications of WWI & Versailles--that's why we are using so many maps
The PP presentation can also be useful for your classes this week, esp. the maps, maps, maps...

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

Handout and Materials for Ana´s class May 26th

Hi guys: Some guidelines for our next class on WWI_Causes

Please, print this handout for our next class. It´s an adaptation on Cristina´s ppt on the topic.

When I asked for maps pre & post WWI Europe, I meant: Maps of Austro-Hungarian Empire (Arnuz), German Empire (Del Potro), Ottoman Empire (Soler-Cáceres), Russia Empire (Echaniz), The Balkans in 1914 (Durán), British Empire (González), French Empire (López), Italian Empire (Maddio), Moroccan Crisis (Pereira). Post-WWI Europe (Pinoni-Rodriguez)

You don´t have to look & print all of them. We can share materials and work collaboratively: suggested names between brackets above. Be ready to explain the map you are responsible for.

I decided to re-arrange the map searching task in this way so as not to complicate your reading schedule/agenda and make the search useful.

See you and have a nice weekend....Ana

sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

Mid-Term Test by Pamela Pereira

Hi, guys!

Pamela Pereira sent me a copy of her Mid-Term Test after Cristina´s request. We suggest reading it as a good model of writing for our class.

Thanks and have a nice long weekend.


miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Make Up

Hi everyone, I'll give you your make ups when we meet next time
Giuliano: 6
Hernández: 4
Maddio: 7
Pinoni: 4
Soler: 4
I'll also upload the PP presentation for my class on Versailles next week.
Pls check the Google schedule
Have a nice long weekend and keep up the good work

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

General Interest


Grupo de Manejo de la Ansiedad
La Subsecretaría de Bienestar de la Comunidad Universitaria informa que, en el mes de mayo, comenzará a funcionar en el Servicio Universitario de Salud el Grupo de Manejo de la Ansiedad.
Partiendo del análisis de la evaluación psicológica que realiza este servicio a los alumnos, es posible afirmar, que los trastornos de ansiedad son los que prevalecen en esta población.
Creemos de fundamental importancia ofrecer un espacio en donde se pueda abordar esta problemática, ofreciendo al alumno estrategias que le permitan manejar este trastorno.
El objetivo de esta propuesta es brindar una intervención adecuada para afrontar los Trastornos de Ansiedad.
Estará destinado a alumnos de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.
A partir de la fecha está abierta la inscripción en el Servicio Universitario de Salud. Alvarado 4009, Mar del Plata.
Se implementaran dos grupos, uno funcionará los miércoles en el horario de 18:00 a 20:00 y el otro los viernes de 14.30 a 16.30.
Para mayor información e inscripción, dirigirse a Alvarado 4009, Mar del Plata, o a susunmdp@gmail.com

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Classes May 17th & 24th

Hi everyone:
I`ve been told some of you might want to meet with me after class next Monday May 17. I'll be more than happy to answer your questions. Just let me know & I`ll skip lunch in class so that we can meet in Roca afterwards (Darwin too small & smokey). I can´t meet the rest of the week because it's finals'week!
Monday 24th is a national holiday. We`ll completely forget this class about the Last Liberal Gvmt. Anyway, if you feel curious about it and also want some help with the causes of WWI you can download this PP presentation. See you Monday

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

WC_Assignment # 3


Friday Mid-term

Hi evrybody!
Just a quick message to let you know I can stay an extra hour after my class if you don't finish the test by ten on Friday. If there are no rooms available as it's usually the case, we can move to the library... See you in room 39, Marcela